Before She Fell

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These flashbacks have all the feels and should level-set the story moving forward. Enjoy!



~200 Years After The End Of The War

Azriel found the task assigned to him by his High Lord to be miserable.

Seren was a petulant child, always finding ways to incur her father's wrath. She ignored her tutors, wore leggings and boots beneath her dresses, and flew everywhere just because she could.

There was never anything of note to report on her. She had an attitude, but for the most part, she behaved as she should in the company of others. She was the spitting image of her father and was being molded, albeit unwillingly, into the daughter Cronin thought he wanted.

It took her two years to finally realize that she was being watched. Stubbornly, she stood in direct sunlight at high noon, exploiting one of the few weaknesses of Azriel's shadows. She lured him to her with a story she'd planted involving imminent danger. On account of what he'd promised Alya, he flew in haste to her side since his shadows were unable to counter the intel.

What he found was a seventeen-year-old female who'd grown into a nuisance. With more magic than he'd ever seen her display, she threw him to the ground and ripped away one of his siphons.

"Do you think Devlon will issue you replacements if I shatter these?" She crooned as she examined one in her palm. She'd always been vocal about her dislike for the Illyrian warlord who'd, on Cronan's order, refused to let her live and train in the cold mud as Rhys had been allowed to do.

Shocked at her boldness, Azriel remained where she'd tossed him down, curious as to what she might do. It was the first time he'd taken any interest in his task. "Not if he learns it was a young girl who bested me for them," Azriel smoothly replied as he sat up.

Seren snorted. "As if I don't know your remaining on your ass because you want to."

Surprise flared within him at her acute observation. Flattery, earned or otherwise, would be useless.

"You've been spying on me," Seren continued as she tossed his siphon between her hands carelessly.

"I was ordered to," Azriel truthfully replied, suddenly uncomfortable at the thought that she might think he'd wanted to.

She didn't look at him as she spoke, focusing on the siphon that she'd reduced to a toy. "Do you always do as my father asks?"

Wanting her full attention, Azriel concentrated on the siphon and it blazed blue, blinding her momentarily. As it dropped, he lunged, snatching it before it smashed on the ground. For some reason, he didn't find the scowl she gave him horrendous.

"Is there something you'd ask of me instead?" he countered, not knowing why he asked at all. She didn't have the authority to make him do anything, except apparently get him talking.

Seren stepped back and let him rise to his full height as she curved her lip into a hint of a smile. "I don't suppose you've reconsidered giving me a few of your shadows."

He lifted a brow, not thinking she even remembered the night he'd let her sleep with two beside her pillow. She'd been so young then and far easier to manage. Now he didn't even know what to think of her.

One of the shadows that hid in the dark crevice of his wings shifted toward her as if it wanted her arrangement, but she remained in the sunlight where it couldn't reach. For the better, since it wouldn't go over well if Cronan saw her draped in his shadows. Her father was already growing suspicious of her progressing power and it could be what finally set him off.

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