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A soft glow emanated from behind Seren's eyelids, warning her that the whole moonstone palace would soon be flooded with the sunrise. She kept her eyes squeezed shut for a moment as she remembered Rhys waking her here as a little girl so she wouldn't miss the early sunlight that made the snow-capped peaks sparkle.

Azriel would find the same beauty in it.

Rolling over, she intended to wake him, but her eyes shot open when she realized he wasn't beside her. They'd settled down wrapped around each other at his insistence that she was well on her way to waking sore, but he'd not mentioned that she'd be waking alone.

"Az?" She didn't have to yell or raise her voice. If her words didn't carry, his shadows would carry them for her.

A moment later, he stepped from a large shadow with a towel draped low on his waist. He smelled of jasmine soaps and his skin was faintly red from being scrubbed.

"He's making you return," she concluded as she scrambled out from under the covers. Azriel had entirely removed every trace of their mingled scents and it caused panic to rise in her throat. "Tell him you need to stay. Tell him..." She didn't care what Azriel told Rhys, as long as he stayed. She was feeling hot all of a sudden and her temper was going to flare.

Azriel ran a hand through his wet hair. "He needs my help to find Gwyn."

"But we just..." She'd assumed they could hold up here and let Keir fester down below for a few days. The whole palace to themselves. At any moment, he could launch them out a window and they'd be in the open sky. She was being ridiculous, she knew that, but she didn't want to be alone here.

"Seren, I would stay if I could. But Rhys..."

"Summoned you to return," she flatly finished as she got a grip over her racing pulse and forced herself to breathe in through her nose and out her mouth. "For Gwyn's sake."

Azriel frowned and took a step toward her, but she brushed past him to the edge of the window. "These mountains are beautiful. More so than the untamed range in Illyria and more so that the red peaks around Velaris. It's a shame the land is so barren below."

"Seren, don't do that." He snaked his arms around her waist, making her jump in surprise. She hadn't heard him approach. Sneaky bastard with shadows under his heels. "Don't pretend that it doesn't matter and change the subject. I'm honored that I matter to you."

"I didn't say—"

He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck, making her spine arch into him as heat flushed her body. "I will only be gone for a day or two. You can stay up here and enjoy the fresh air while Keir continues to back himself into a corner. Maybe think about how you plan to handle Meera. I can send Mor to keep you company if you'd like."

"No," she said with perhaps too much haste. She'd been reminded of her cousin's hatred of this place and she didn't want to force it on her. "I'll be fine, really. I'll bide my time so when you return, we can have a few days free of all this in Velaris." She'd save up her time here so her bargain would allow her more time away.

Azriel looked as if he wanted to say more, but she lightly pushed on his chest. "Rhys will wonder about your tardiness if you stay too long."

He cocked his head and stared at in her a way that stripped her barer than she already was. "I'm coming back, Seren. Last night..." He waved an arm at the rumpled silk covers. "Last night was the first of many."

She forced a smile for his sake. She didn't want him to worry. She was fine. Completely fine and capable of entertaining herself. "That sounds like a promise."

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