Chapter 11

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Excuse me for any mistake's!!!

Karen's POV

Me and bae just got through putting up groceries that we just bought because it was definitely needed with how much these BeBe kids of ours could eat throughout the week.

We were about to start our spring cleaning around the house while the kids were at school and daycare until my phone went off.

"Now who in the hell?"

"What happened?"Erica asked me

"Their school is calling me."I said rolling my eyes already expecting the worst

"Hello???Its fine,is everything ok with my kids?"I asked and Erica looked at me tryna know what's going on

"She whattttt!!?No look,thank you for calling me.Me and her mama will be there shortly!!Ok bye bye!!"

"Oh lord which one was it?"

"Shauna of course!!"

"What that girl do now?"

"She cussed out her math teacher during a lesson and you know what?I bet you it's for the same reason!!Them other kids she claims is her friends that's always getting her into trouble!!And believe it or not some of they bad assess are in the office too!!"

"Damnnn!!Here we go!!!"

"Right!!Let's get over there!!"I said as she grabbed her car keys and I put on my bonnet to embarrass Shauna's disrespectful ass while grabbing one of the thick belts in the house

"Baby not the belt and bonnet!!"Erica said chuckling as we got in the car and pulled off to the school.

When the receptionist sent us to the principals office we seen Shauna sitting by her "friends" hehehaaing like shit was funny until she looked at me and her friends got quiet.

"Mama please-!"Shauna said all scared and shit.

"Oh no I don't want to hear none of that!!Since you don't mind disrespecting yo teacher with these heathens I definitely won't mind whooping yo ass in front of them!!"

"I'm!!tired!!of!!getting!!reports!!on!!you!!about!!yo!!behavior!!because!!of!!these!!friends of yours!!!"I angrily whooped her while speaking in between syllable's while the whole office got quiet watching this happen and her friends looked at us in shock

Once I finished!A bitch was worn the hell out.

"Don't make me come back up here in this school to whoop yo behind and embarrass you in front of these people no more because I will do it everytime you screw up you understand me little girl?!!"I asked her

"Yes!!"She said sniffing from her crying

"This is yo last time hanging with them so you might as well tell them goodbye!!And I will make sure this staff hits me or your mama's line every time you get caught hanging around them you hear me?!!

"Yes mommy!!"

"I'm sorry for her behavior,she knows better!!She won't give y'all anymore problems I guarantee you Ms.Shaw!!!"

"Thank you and I have seen her potential and have heard nothing but good things about your daughter so I'm letting her past this time,but the next time she acts out like this,I will have to put her in detention or worse."

"Understandable mam!You apologize to her!!"I said

"I'm sorry Ms.Shaw it won't happen again!!"

"It better not Shauna.I want you to add this to your homework.Write a note to your math teacher and apologize to her as well for your actions got it?"

"Yes mam!!"Shauna replied

*On their way home*

"Since you're in trouble,you will hand us your electronics,do your homework and clean up the house top to bottom for us!!Once finish we might give you back at least your phone!!And I mean MIGHT!!"

"That's right!!"Erica tuned in

Karen ain't no joke chile😩😂

Karen making sure to grab a belt and put on her bonnet to the school?

Do y'all think Shauna is going to act out in front of her so called friends anymore?

Will she stay away from them?

Was the principles request necessary?

Was she cool about giving Shauna this one chance without detention?

Please vote and comment for me,thank you.


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