F:- Fancy

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A/N: Shoutout to Tnsbiggestfanpage for giving me this idea.😊

Riley's POV

Rehearsals had finished and I was standing talking to the girls, Thalia, Giselle and Cierra, when James came up behind me.

"Hey, my gorgeous girlfriend." He said putting his hands around my waist and kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"You are such a flirt." I told him.

"Aaaaand you love me anyways.." He replied.

"Hmmmmmmm... do I?" I giggled.

"Uh huh, you do. You told me at nationals after the duet..." He reminded me.

By this point we had totally forgotten about the girls standing there.

"I didn't know they went out..." I heard Cierra whisper to Thalia and Giselle

"What! How did you not know? They are Jiley. They are pretty famous in the studio." Thalia whispered back.

"Apparently Miss Kate said that if she found them making out in the costume closet one more time, she'd suspend them for a week. If that's not relationship goals then I don't know what is..." Giggled Giselle..

"Heyyyy guys. We are still here.." I told them.

"Yeah aannd I can confirm the rumour about the costume closet to be 100% true." James smirked.

"James." I hit his arm.

"What? I was telling the truth. Honesty is very important." He told me. I glared at him.

"Okayyyy.. Well I'm going to go now. You two coming?" Giselle asked. The her, Thalia and Cierra left.

"Yeah we'd better go home too because..." He said putting his arm around my shoulder. "I am taking you out tonight."

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise." He laughed.

"Jaaaaaammmesss. You know I hate surprises." I moaned.

"Well you're going to love this one. I promise." He chuckled kissing the top of my head. "But you have to dress nice though."

"Are you trying to say that I never dress nice?" I said fake glaring at him.

"No! But you have to dress extra nice tonight." He replied.

"But whyyyyyyy?" I moaned at him wanting to know where we were going.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He asked.

"Why do you have to be so annoying and so hot at the same time?"

He laughed and smirked at me. "Riley I think we both need to go home and get ready. I'll pick you up at 7 kay?" He told me before kissing my check and walking out the studio.

"Erm okay.."


It was almost 7 and I was sitting in my house waiting for James. It had taken me at least half and hour to find something 'nice' to wear so I hoped I looked okay.

The doorbell rang and I ran over and opened it. James was standing there in a suit looking very hot. In his hand he was holding a rose.

"Wow! Ri you look... absolutely amazing." He said giving me the rose.

"Well aren't you cheesy." I giggled. "But thank you."

"So what about me? You haven't mentioned how hot I look.." He chuckled.

"You don't look too bad.." I told him. Of course I was lying. He looked really hot.

"Thanks Ri." He laughed. He knew when I was lying because he can see right through me.

"Okay so.. are you ready for your surprise?" He asked.

"Yeah I can't wait." I replied. I had been wondering all afternoon what James' surprise was.

"Well let's go then." He grabbed my hand and we walked down to his car.


After a while of driving James pulled up outside of a restaurant.

"James! This is an expensive 5 star restaurant!" I half whispered-half yelled at him.

"I know." He replied getting out of the car.

I sat in the car with a confused look on my face until James came around and opened my door for me.

"My lady." He said in a terrible British accent holding his hand out. I took it and stepped out of the car.

"Why thank you.." I replied in the same British accent. "But James why are we here?" I asked.

"This is your surprise." He told me. I was shocked. This was an expensive restaurant.

"James if I had known we were coming here I would have brought money..."

"Riley this is my surprise for you. I'm paying." He told me before we walked into the restaurant.


After we had eaten and James had paid, he took my hand and we walked outside to where a band was playing.

"Dance with me." He said putting his other hand on my back. I rested my head on his shoulder as we slow danced.

"I still can't believe you paid for that meal James." I said my head still on his shoulder.

"Well you're worth it." He told me and I blushed.

"But this is honestly the fanciest and best restaurant I've even been to." I said looking back at it.

James smiled and we stopped dancing.

He put his hand into pocket and pulled out a black box. I was shocked.

"Before you say anything Ri, I'm not proposing. But this is still a ring. It's a promise ring." He said opening the box. I stared at the ring. It was silver with an infinity sign on it. It was beautiful.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you before but I swear I will never hurt you again.. And I know we are too young to get married now but I want to marry you someday if you'll have me.. So will you accept the ring?" He asked. I nodded. I never thought James would say that but he wants to marry me and I want to marry him too.. Someday..

He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on the ring finger of my right hand.

"Can we dance again?" I asked.

"Sure baby." And we began to dance again. My head on his shoulder and his hands on my waist.

I lifted my head off and looked up at him. He looked back and we both leaned in slowly. Our lips connected briefly before I pulled away blushing like crazy.


James drove me back home and we were sitting in the car because I didn't want to leave.

"Thank you James. For everything. I love you so much." I told him.

"I love you too." He replied.

I opened the car door and got out. I waved at him as he drove off. I walked up to my house smiling and blushing like an idiot.

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