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Riley's POV


It's been 5 years since I left The Next Step and life is pretty good. James is still in his band and they are pretty famous now and I worked at the studio as the choreographer after Phoebe left. Miss Kate still owned it though.

Me and James had got married 4 months ago and we have never been better. We just recently got back from honeymoon and I just found out that we're expected our second child. A brother or sister for our 4 year old daughter Olivia.

Month 1

I was sitting on the couch waiting fir James to get home. I has a busy day at work helping Miss Kate pick the A-Troupers but now I was home I was tired. I heard the door open and James came in.

"Hey babe." He said sitting on the couch next to me.

"Hey gorgeous." I replied smiling. James didn't know I was pregnant and I couldn't wait to tell him.

"I kinda need to tell you something." I giggled.


"Well...." I paused for a second. "Wait there." I told him jumping off the couch and running to the bathroom, where my test was.

I came back into the room, holding the test behind my back. I walked over to James, trying to hold in my excitement, and sat on his lap.

"I took this earlier..." I said, taking the test from behind my back.

He looked confused at first, but when he saw the positive sign his face lit up.

"You serious Ri?" He asked and I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug. "That's amazing! Liv's going to be a big sister."

He leaned down kissing my unnoticeable bump, making me giggle.

"Jammeees there's not even a bump yet.." I whined, as he rubbed my still flat stomach.

He ignored me and continued anyway. I sighed and smiled at him as he did though. I loved how excited he was about it and was looking forward to having another baby with him.


Month 2

Me and Olivia were invited to watch James and the band record their latest single. I didn't need to work today, as the A-Troupers had a day off, so I agreed.

Nobody, except me and James, knew about my pregnancy and I was planning on keeping it that way for as long as possible. My bump still wasn't noticeable, thank god, so Olivia, the press and the band didn't know.

The band finished their song and I felt a familiar feeling. I ran out of the recording studio and into the bathroom.

I made it to the toilet just as I threw up. James came in after with Olivia and rushed to the cubicle I was in. He sat next to me and pulled the hair out of my face.

"Morning sickness started?" He asked as I finished being sick.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Whoop whoop." I said sarcastically.

"It's good sick though. It means the baby's fine." He told me rubbing my back.

"I guess. It's pretty horrible though." I said.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Olivia asked, playing the ends of my hair.

"She's just a bit sick honey." James told her. "Come on, we'd better go back to the band." He said, standing up and picking up Liv. I stood up as well, and he took my hand as we walked back the recording studio. The boys were a bit suspicious but I managed to convince them that I was only ill and that I would be fine soon.

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