How Many? [Miyaji Kiyoshi]

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How Many? [Miyaji Kiyoshi]

Miyaji x Reader


"[L/N], who do you like?" Miyaji asked as you passed him by, resulting him to walk beside you to wherever your destination in the school is.

You groaned in frustration. "Miyaji, you've been asking me that for only God knows how long!" You exaggerated. Yes, it's true. The small forward of the school's basketball team kept on pestering you about your crush, even though you currently didn't have any. It wasn't because you didn't find anyone attractive (because damn there are hella lot of fine ass boys in Shūtoku), it was because you focused on your studies more so you didn't really find time to overlook the boys to just have a crush.

Let's see... when did he first start asking you that question...

Aha! It was that one time you were reading a book before class was starting. You were currently studying a topic in Chemistry so you borrowed a book from the library so that you could advance study in order to not have difficulties in the future.

After a few minutes someone tapped your shoulder so you turned to face the culprit to see your classmate, Miyaji Kiyoshi standing next to your desk. "Oh, Miyaji," You said, "is there anything you need?" You ask, bookmarking the page you were on before you turned to face him.

"I just need to ask you something." He replies shortly after you asked him your question.

"Ask away."

"Who do you like?" He says straightforwardly, resulting you to raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" You asked. "In a friendly way or as in romantically?"

"Romantically, yes."

You shook your head and replied, "No one."

It was Miyaji's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Really? No one at all?"

"Yes," you affirmed.

"Huh," He muttered to himself as he went back to his seat, leaving you confused as you gazed at his back.

You shrugged after a while, thinking of it as nothing. Actually, you thought this was one of those ridiculous surveys what people did during middle school. You know, the ones that go like: Who is better? Spongebob or Dora? Then they would ask people around who is better or maybe even pass a paper around. Shaking your head, you continued reading the Chemistry book.

The second time he asked you was at Physical Education class. The girls and boys were merged together for a dodgeball match between the two genders. Just for fun, no competition.

For the first match, the boys would be in (meaning they would be the ones dodging the balls) while the girls are out (meaning they will throw the balls).

You were holding a ball, deciding who you would throw it at. All of a sudden Miyaj called out to you. "Oi, [L/N]! Who do you like?" He asked as he dodged an incoming ball from another girl.

An irkmark appeared on your forehead as you threw the ball at him, "I said I liked no one, idiot!" but he evaded your throw which resulted you to angrily ask for another ball. Miyaji was the only boy left, resulting you to smirk eerily. "Hand me another ball. He's mime." You mumble, yet girls handed you some of the dodgeballs they were holding as you threw one after another. With each ball thrown you would yell out "I like no one" until you grew exhausted which kind of resulted you to go to the nurse's office since you fainted due to the fatigue.

Another time he asked you was when you were carrying stacks of paper to the faculty's office since you were assigned to collect the take-home homework. As you walked a bit more, you felt the weight decrease so you looked to your side to see Miyaji helping you carry half of the papers, sending you a silly grin.

You sighed and looked forward. "Thanks." You tell him, smiling slightly.

"So who do you like, [L/N]?" He asks, turning your smile into a frown.

Two tick marks appeared on your head as you blankly looked at him from the corner of your eye. "No one." You deadpan as you two reached the office. You two drop the papers off before you go your separate ways, but not before Miyaji looking at you with a small smile. He shook his head and went to the opposite direction where you went.

After so many moments of him asking who you like and you replying that you didn't like anyone at the moment, your patience finally runs out of gas and now here you were in the hallway as Miyaji asked you the same thing again, "[L/N], who do you like?"

And then that is where you replied, "Miyaji, you've been asking me that for only God knows how long!" You burst out waving your hands in the air frantically. You gave a long sigh and put your hands to your hips as you looked up at him. "How many times are you going to ask me that?" You question him.

He responds with a smile as he leans down next to your ear, whispering his reply, "Until you finally say my name."


Short and crappy one-shot sorry :/

Any feedback on this one-shot? c:

Coming up:

Midorima x Reader

Don't forget to vote and comment! It makes me inspired to write!

I prefer comments though huehue *hint hint*




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