Anesthesia [Nijimura Shūzo]

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Anesthesia [Nijimura Shūzo]

Nijimura x Reader


You took Nijimura to the dentist because he needed to get his wisdom tooth removed since he told you it was causing him pain in his teeth so you and your husband decided to go to the dentist.

If you're asking why you wouldn't get your wisdom teeth removed, it was because you already did it before Nijimura became your boyfriend. Plus, it was good you did it early because you wouldn't have to show Nijimura how humiliating you were when the anesthesia kicked in.

Ohhh this is going to be comedy gold~!

You tarried in the waiting room for about half an hour until Nijimura's dentist called you to be with him. You inwardly snickered as you took out your phone so that you could record what your husband would be saying in the next few minutes.

The dentist explained that once Nijimura woke up, they would be allowed to go home. You thanked the dentist before he went to tend to another patient.

You waited for about several minutes until Nijimura woke up with a groan as he looked left and right as if comprehending where he was at the moment. You opened your phone and went to your camera application to take a video of Nijimura acting out of character. Oh how you would love to see his embarrassed face when he sees your recording.

"Wha—?" He croaked out, looking athis surroundings as you took a seat next to the dentist's chair thing he was sitting on. His eyes then land on you and his eyes seemed to widen. "WOAH!" He exclaimed.

You laughed internally at his expression. "Hi." You replied, adjusting the camera options so that it could focus on him.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at you once more. "Who are youuu? Did the doctor send you? Maaan you are eye candy!"

Shūzo omfg I CAN'T CONTAIN MY LAUGHTER IF HE KEEPS THIS UP! You think to yourself. "I'm Nijimura [F/N], your—"

"That is ONE hot ass name 'ya got there!" He comments as his hand lazily points at you. "How you doin'?" He adds, quoting Joey from Friends.

"I'm fine—"

"Guuurl~ I asked how you weeere, not about your body!" He replies loudly, giving you a fail of a wink in addition.

You full blown laughed on the spot as Nijimura's dentist walks in the room with a smile on his face. "I see he has woken up."

Nijimura faces the dentist and looks at his mini pony tail. He points at his dentist and says, "Stay golden, Pony Boy. The ponies will join you soon!"

"Oh my god," You muttered as the dentist sweat drops at the drugged ravenette.

After a while you took Nijimura back to your house and placed him on the bed while he mumbled all unexplainable things. You sat beside the bed as you tended to Nijimura who, once again, was telling you all crazy kinds of things. "Did you know you're the prettiest girl I've ever seeeeen?"

You smile at him as you continue to record the video.

"Don't go away, okay?" He told you.

"I'm just going to be right here, don't worry so just sleep now okay, Shūzo?"

"Who are—Who are you?" He asked you once more and you chuckled at him.

"I'm [F/N], your wife."

His eyes widens as he pointed at you then to himself. "Y-You're my wife?"

"Yeah, believe it or not." You replied as his expression still looked surprised.

"Holy shit!" He exclaims as he stretches his arms out. "Daaang, you're so gorgeous!" You pet Nijimura's head as he still looks at you with such admiration. "Do we... do we have children?" He questioned you as you continue to film him.

"No, not yet," was your reply as you also continued to pet his raven hair.

"Have we kissed?"

Oh my gosh, Shūzo you're so cute! You thought to yourself as you laughed at how adorable he is.

"How long have we been married?"

"For four years, honey." You reply sweetly.

"Woaahhh..." he mumbles as he closes his eyes. "I hit the jackpot..." He faces you once he opens his eyes and says, "Let me see your face." He cups your cheek with one hand as he brought you closer, a huge smile plastered on your face. "You teeth are on point." He remarks as you laugh. "Turn around... Turn around for me." He says, his finger doing a circular motion in the air as he attempts to look at your butt.

"No!" You exclaim, chuckling at him as you gently cover his eyes.

He removes your hand and looks at the ring on your ring finger. "I gave you this ring?" He asks once again. "And we're married?"

"Yes we are, Shūzo. Now go to sleep." You coax him, still petting his head so he could sleep already.

"Wow," he whispered breathlessly as he closed his eyes, "the most beautiful woman in the world is my wife..." He mumbles before his breathing evens signifying that he was asleep already.

You smiled to yourself before you leaned down and kissed his forehead gently, making sure he won't wake up. "I love you, Shūzo~" You whisper in his ear, going down to the kitchen afterwards to prepare a cold dessert for the sleeping beauty in the bedroom.



"IT HUUUURTS OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" You hear Nijimura yell, then a thump resounded the whole house.

You wiped your hands and jogged out of the kitchen to see your husband holding onto the railings of the stairs as if he had prevented himself from falling down. Once he caught sight of you, he spread his arms wide and attempted to walk towards you, but he fell face first on the floor. But hey, at least he didn't fall from the top of the stairs. "Oh my god, Shūzo!" You cry out as you run towards him, cradling his even-more injured face.

"[F/N]!! MAKE THE PAIN STOP!" He bellows, and your eyes soften as you see him in pain. You have never seen Nijimura like this, and it pitied you, really, that he was in so much pain due to the operation on his wisdom tooth.

"I will, honey, I will." You told him as you guided him to the kitchen. You placed him on a chair as he continued to whimper helplessly while you placed a huge bowl of ice cream in front of him. You took a spoonful and fed it to Nijimura but he shook his head and resisted. You sighed. "Do you want the pain to be gone, Shūzo?" He nods, looking at you with unshed tears. "Then eat the ice cream, it will numb the pain." He then opens his mouth before you placed the spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. "Now eat while I get the ice okay?"

"Okay..." He mumbles as he takes another spoonful of ice cream.

You grab some ice from the freezer and grabbed an ice pack and plopped some ice into the container. You went back to Nijimura and gently placed the ice pack on his swollen cheek where his wisdom teeth was removed from. "Feeling better?" You ask him as he continues to eat his dessert.

He nods and nuzzled his head on your stomach. "Thank you, I love you." He whispers before eating the ice cream once more.

You chuckle and kiss the top of his head. "No problem, Shūzo. I love you too."


Any feedback on this one-shot? c:

Coming up:


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I prefer comments though huehue *hint hint*




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