Eyes [Aomine Daiki]

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Eyes [Aomine Daiki]

Aomine x Reader

WARNING: author's mild randomness can be seen because she ate several packs of seasoned seaweed. This is also rushed so sorry lol

Tbh idrk what I did here ughhh I kinda got a bit lazy in the end sorry if you don't like it =(((


Aomine never really felt genuine love towards any female. He thought that love was unnecessary, and he's got a bundle full of his gravure magazines. So he thought, what's the point right?

Well, he's wrong.

There was this one particular girl with [h/l] [h/c] hair and mesmerizing [e/c] eyes that grabbed his attention. Just one glimpse of her eyes, and he was in love. Cupid chose a good time to throw an arrow in the ace's heart. But being the idiot Aomine is, he didn't... exactly know how love works.

But, the audience asks Author-san with curiosity on their features, when did this happen?

Ah, then let me tell you...

*insert wave effects* tututututu~

It happened one late afternoon during basketball practice. It was one of those rare times that Aomine actually attended, but much to the other's dismay he wasn't actually practicing. He was just lying down on the bench with one of his crude magazines on top of his face, apparently snoozing off.

With the majority of the basketball team sweat-dropping as they stared at Aomine's sleeping form with an annoyed glance, a knock on the gym's doors interrupted them.

Momoi went to go get the door while she told the other players to continue with their practice. She opened the door, and then she smiled brightly at the visitor. "Ah, glad you could come!" She exclaimed, which caught the team's attention. The pinkette let the visitor in and called for the members. "Everyone, this is [L/N] [F/N]. She's going to be my assistant so expect to see her more from now on!" She exclaimed as you sent a smile to all of them.

"Please to meet all of you." You said as you bowed at them respectfully.

Everyone greeted you nicely, then you followed Momoi as she told you what she regularly does, also telling you in what areas she needs help in. However you saw someone snoozing on the benches which made your attention get averted from Momoi.

"Eh? [N/N]-chan? Are you listening?" She asks as her gaze follows where your eyes are directed.

"Who's he and why isn't he practicing?" You asked, pointing at the sleeping bluenette. "... and what is that on his face?" You said, pertaining to the gravure magazine.

Momoi animatedly sprinted towards Aomine and grabbed the magazine away from your vision. "No-Nothing, [N/N]-chan!" She replied nervously as she glared internally at her childhood friend for almost tainting your innocence.

"Ah." You mumbled as you neared the sleeping person.

"Dai-chan! Wake up and practice already!" Momoi cried out impatiently with a pout. "Geez."

"Leave me alone, Satsuki." The teen said as he turned his back to you two.

"Why are you even here if you aren't going to practice?!"

"It's too hot outside that's why I decided to be here," was his gruff reply.

You decided to intervene at the right time. "ne, Aomine-san, it's time for practice not for napping!" You unfamiliar cheery voice made him confused and he decided to turn to look at you.

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