Field Trip, Earphones, & Life Goals [Akashi Seijūrō]

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Field Trip, Earphones, & Life Goals [Akashi Seijūrō]

Akashi x Reader


     "Class 1-A, proceed to Bus 1! Class 1-B, proceed to Bus 2! Class 1-C, Proceed to Bus 3! Class 1-D, proceed to Bus 4! All buses will leave in ten minutes!" One of the teachers yelled as all of the first years stood up at the gym.

     You yawned and stood up while slinging your bag over your shoulder. You rubbed your eyes as you groaned, "Mou~ I woke up early for this then we leave late?"

     One of your girl classmates smiled sympathetically and patted your back in a comforting manner. "We all know that feel." She mumbled and went to her partner.

     Speaking of partners, you needed to find him before you get on the bus.

     Sighing, you began to search for Akashi's infamous red hair.

     Once you caught sight of him in front of the boys' line of your class, you tapped his shoulder making him look at you. "[F/N]." He spoke of your name as an acknowledgement while nodding once.

     Both of you proceeded to your bus, sitting on the middle seats neither front nor back because being in the front seat made you dizzy while the back seat was always noisy, full of flirtatious girls and boys.

     Akashi made you sit down on the window seat since he knew you liked it there, so in result he sat near the aisle. He laid his head back on the head rest and sighed, closing his eyes.

     You looked at him as you got your phone and earphones. "Tired?" You asked him.

     He nodded and replied, "It was ridiculous of the school to tell us to wake up early, then we are leaving the campus late. They told us to be here on or before six in the morning, but we left seven o' clock, a one hour difference."

     You laughed briefly and handed him one of your [f/c] earphones. "You want to listen to music while you sleep? It would help you relax a little bit." You offered, your hand still holding the ear bud as you waited for his reply.

     He looked at you, then at the earphone. You again, then at the earphone. Then he took it, plugged it into his right ear. Oh how you liked how tiny sparks flew when his hand made contact with yours.  "Play anything you want." He said, pulling out a small pillow from his bag and hugging it as he got into a comfortable position on his seat so he could sleep, closing his eyes again in the process.

     You internally squealed at how adorable he looked. You were so tempted to take a picture of him.

     Sharing something with Akashi and seeing him sleep: Life goal, Complete.

     Akashi then opened his one of his eyes to look at you. "Don't take a picture." He ordered, then closed his eyes once again.

     You sweat-dropped then played The Promise, the relaxing sound track from the RPG Game Final Fantasy XIII so that the red-head beside you could rest.

     You looked out the window, a small smile on your face as you recalled the day Akashi went to you to be his partner for the field trip. (a/n: you thought that he asked you to be his girlfriend? Lol no you're wrong iM JOKING OK PROCEED xD)

     Your class adviser walked into the classroom with circular letters in her hands. She had announced that there would be a field trip for the first years before she told all of you to pick your partners. Of course, the majority of the girl population in your classroom instantly went to Akashi. I mean, who wouldn't though?

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