Endlessly [Kise Ryouta]

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Endlessly [Kise Ryouta]

Kise x Reader


"I'm not perfect, but I swear I'm perfect for you."
The Cab, Endlessly


     "(L/N)cchi, would you be my girlfriend?" Kise asked as he bowed at least 90°, trying to conceal his blush. He then stood straight but still looked down at his shoes as if it was the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. The breeze gently whipped against you two at the rooftops, giving a dramatic effect at the scene with both of your hairs flowing with the wind.

     You looked at him, shocked, that the Kise Ryouta was asking you to be his. Sure, he's got the looks, the athletics, the stupid fame, but you were a rational human being and you didn't like going into a relationship that fast. There was also this thing you didn't like about Kise: His conceitedness. Well, that's what you saw in him. Fame (almost) always gets to one's head, and you were definitely sure that it got to Kise's. You mean, look at the large group of fangirls he has. He even has his own club dedicated to him, and it's most certainly sure that his fanbase would rip you apart.

     But, bah, who were you to judge him though? He's still just a person, and why don't you give him a chance?

     Oh look, look! Pay attention to Kise, he's still waiting for answer. Don't mind me, I'm just a stalking narrator.

     Returning your attention to Kise, you replied, "Maybe... not now." You said as you tugged on the sleeve of the Kaijo blouse nervously. Kise looked crestfallen at your reply. Before you could add anything, he quickly spoke.

     "Then let me at least court you!" He proposed, gently grabbing your hands in his. He placed your hands on his chest, and you felt the haste beating of his heart. "Please give me a chance, (L/N)cchi! I'll prove to you that I can be the man you want." He exclaimed as his yellow eyes looked into your (e/c) ones, blushing at the same time. "Please..."

     You blushed at the eye contact momentarily, then slowly nodded. "O–Okay, I'll give you a chance."

     His eyes brightened and he hugged you tightly at the spur of the moment. You froze in his arms, not able to quickly comprehend what was happening at the moment, but you heavily blushed when you processed the situation. "Thank you so much, (L/N)cchi! I promise to not let you down, I assure you!"

     You let a small smile grace your lips as you wrapped your arms around his waist, embracing him as well, making his eyes tear up and lift you while spinning you around. You laugh in surprise and delight all the while telling him to put you down, but he was just too darn happy to listen to you at the moment.


     You wiped your damp hands hands with a handkerchief on the way to your classroom after you had gone to the bathroom. It was currently lunch time when you had done so.

     You momentarily sighed and opened the sliding doors, only to be greeted by a bear hug, courtesy from your best friend. "Oh my gosh, (F/N)-chan, K–Kise–you–he–you—" She sputtered out incoherent words as she flailed her arms around frantically. You sweat-dropped at her and put your hands on her shoulders to calm her down. After doing so, she finally said, "The Kise Ryouta is freaking courting you! How did I not know of this right away? How come you didn't tell me?" She bombarded you with questions as crocodile tears flowed down her cheeks.

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