Lost To Me

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I stared at her. She stared at me but with unfamiliar eyes. Her once glossy eyes, filled with mischief and cheer, now deep and empty.

I walked towards her, lending her a hand. "What.. what happened..?" She fearfully asked. She grabbed my hand and lifted herself up. Her skin felt like ice.

She looked like a lost puppy. I didn't speak. I searched her for a sense of familiarity. She didn't look like the last time I saw her.

My mouth not catching up to my mind, I explained, "But- I thought you were dead! I- I saw you.." Tears soon caught up, filling my throat up with a lump.

A loud explosion shook the ground, making all three of us jump. I grabbed her wrist without instinct. Her light purple eyes looking at the gesture sadly. She then turned to look at me, frightened.

"I'll- I'll explain everything, just not here..!" I said my voice cracking at the end. I lead her towards the trees, Rueben trailing behind.

Both of us stopped at the shriek of the Wither Storm, I shook my head. "C'mon, we've gotta get out of here!" I shook with fear, begging her to come to safety.

I ran. Not hearing footsteps, I stopped, looking at Petra, "Petra, let's go!" I shouted out, running to her. She didn't turn around, stunned by the storm.

Her expression blank, she slowly turned to me. She asked words only I ceased to understand. Her face returning to fear.

"Who's.. Petra..?"

:253 words:
Thought I'd make a tiny story. Hey, it's been a while.. Running out of ideas.. My drafts are filled up with poorly planned stories.. let me know what you would like to see next.

Jesstra OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now