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The Hero in Residence was talking to a resident near the gate, sneaking glances here and there. Her eyes carefully swept over the land that lay beyond the enclosed walls.

She stood there even after her guest had left, watching as the night flew by. She stay standing in the cold, freezing air.

Jesse shivered in her layered clothes, taking a deep breath of the chilly wind. She trudged through the 2-inch snow, walking to the place she experienced true sadness.

"I hope you're still out there.." The brunette whispered, her emerald eyes, ones that shined bright like the gem, now dim from years that had passed by.

"Petra." Turning on her heel, she quickly jogged to the Order of The Stone Hall.


Many months later, it had been 4 years since her bestfriend had left through the gates. 4 years since it all happened. Lukas, still visited her, he was close anyway.

Axel and Olivia, once or twice after 6 months, after all they were in charge of their own cities now.

The lonely girl couldn't sleep, again. She mumbled incoherent words to herself, staring out of the window and into the moon.

She always missed out on the sunsets since she would be knocked out because of the sleepiness that overtook her. The moon was beautiful that night.

The brunette yawned laying back down, closing her eyes only to find that sleep was far away.

Deciding against a thought, she got up. Slowly dragging her blanket by her side. Jesse walked out of her room and into the hall, her friends' rooms were upstairs. Her legs suddenly felt heavy.

She stopped, swallowing the lump that had started building up in her throat. Continuing on her mission, she let her mind guide her, closing her eyes once again.

Her feet stopped infront of the room she never thought of going into. Her shaky hand turned the knob, discovering dust that had settled.

The room looked untouched, dust around the ground of course. Her friend's things were gone. Her sword, armour, even the small treasures Jesse had given her.

The case for Miss Butter was still there, the gold stand looking as shiny as ever.

She crept toward the bed, sheets and pillows left like they weren't ever moved.

The brunette slipped into the cold covers, wishing a warm body was around for her to curl up to. Tears brimmed her eyes, sliding down her pale cheek.

She once again looked out of the window, seeing the same beautiful yellow moon.

Jesse felt calm, her tears ended just as they started. Her solemn mood and memory guided her to sleep.

And sleep came.


6 years, gone in a blink of an eye. The once, confident and hope-driven leader, was now hopeless. The stress had gone in completely over her head.

The warriors face was beginning to fade away into nothingness. Her fiery red hair, gone. Those chocolaty eyes, gone. The signature bandana. Gone.

The photographs now had no sense of familiarity. Her friends, gone. Her now adult intern was caring for his employer.

The Hero in Residence was no longer a hero. Her body had weakend. She didn't care anymore.

Everybody was told to leave her alone.

The brunette left the gates that night, not looking back to her 'home' until it was out of sight. She ventured throughout the caves, traveled through the lakes and rivers.

Not wanting to wait anymore.


Days had passed, weeks went by. It was time for friends to meet friends. Axel and Olivia were shocked at Jesse's stunt. Everyone was worried.

"I saw her that day, then the next day came and she was gone!" Was all you could've gotten out of everybody you asked in that little town.

They worried that they would never see their leader again.


The brunette was unsure if she made the right decision or not. She was freezing in the blizzard. Snow pilled onto her shivering body.

"S-so c-close.." mumbles came from the shaky voice. She rubbed her arms as fast as she could to gain some heat.

She lost more and more energy to go on. Her footsteps were nothing compared to the noisy storm going on around her small figure.

She tripped. Her legs not cooperating anymore, she slipped and fell. Sliding down the hill quickly.

Jesse tried to steer herself, failing to do so, she hit a branch, ripping a big gap into her layered sweaters.

The short woman finally came to a stop, breathing out harshly. She looked up, seeing lights. She heard the sound of people singing and laughing.

From not so far away, she thought she heard music too. Though perhaps it was only her imagination.

:790 words:

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