The Scorpion and the Giant Wasps

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Shibuya Crossing

June 10, 2020

The next day, it was night time at the Shibuya Crossing, Azumi, Misaki, and Hanako were waiting to cross through the Shibuya Crossing

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The next day, it was night time at the Shibuya Crossing, Azumi, Misaki, and Hanako were waiting to cross through the Shibuya Crossing. Azumi was carrying a guitar case with her electric guitar inside.

"So what are you girls getting at the music shop?" Azumi asked.

"New drum sticks," Hanako answered.

"Portable keyboard," Misaki said. "What about you, Azumi? What are you getting?"

"New strings for my guitar and some rosin for the bow of my violin," Azumi answered.

"I thought you're not interested in the violin," Hanako said.

"Although I do enjoy playing the violin, it's just not my style," Azumi said.

"Just be careful, Azumi. You don't want to upset your parents if they find out you're a rock star wannabe goddess," Misaki said.

"What can I say? I just love music," Azumi said.

"Who doesn't?" Hanako asked with an eye roll.

"By the way, aren't you excited for the fifth season of My Hero Academia next year?" Misaki asked.

"I just wish it would come sooner," Azumi answered.

"Same," Hanako said.

When the signal turned green, the people all around began to cross, including Azumi, Hanako, and Misaki. Just as they have gotten half way across, a voice called out to Azumi.

"Azumi Fukushima!"

The three girls turned around to see an angry Yua. She gestures to her daughter to come to her. Azumi and her friends approached her mother.

"I knew it! I knew you were trying to play that garbage music behind our backs!" Yua said.

"It's not garbage mom!" Azumi said.

"Don't you know that kind of music promotes people to do drugs, kill people, commit crimes, and other bizarre acts?!" Yua asked.

"Not all rock music is like that, mom!" Azumi argued.

"What do you think your father is going to say about this?!" Yua asked.

"Mom, I've been playing rock music for a couple years now, and I hadn't done any of that!" Azumi said.

"A couple years?!" Yua asked.

"Crap. I shouldn't have said that last part," Azumi thought.

"You're coming home right now! And your father is going to hear about this!" Yua said.

"Mom, could you please lis-"

Before they could continue any further, they were interrupted by the sound of screaming and explosions in the distance. They all turned to up the street to see people running and screaming in terror. The sound of buzzing was soon heard and coming out of the corner was a group of Lancers. Azumi, Yua, Hanako, and Misaki stared at the flying Grimm in shock.

"What... are those?" Azumi asked.

Three Lancers turned off from the rest of the swarm and were flying towards the Shibuya Crossing.

"Whatever they are, they're heading this way!" Misaki said.

"Run. Run!" Yua shouted.

The four began to run alongside the terrified people around them as the Lancers pursued. One of the Lancers fires its stinger at a car with a couple of passengers inside. The organic tether attached to the stinger begins pulling the car up to the Grimm as it flies over the street. The other Lancers flew over the girls and mother as they were flying over the running people. Azumi, Hanako, Misaki, and Yua all stopped as the lancers flew off.

Suddenly, Azumi heard the sound of maniacally insane laughter. She turned around to see a man springing out of an alleyway. She also noticed the man had a scorpion tail protruding from his back. That man was Tyrian Callows. He begins swiftly moving through the crowd, kicking people's legs from under them and slashing them with the Queen's Servants.

"I hadn't had this much excitement since my time in Anima!" Tyrian excitedly said with a laugh.

He turned his head and noticed Azumi, Hanako, Misaki, and Yua staring at him in shock and fright. Tyrian laughs as he readies his weapons and then rushes towards them. The girls quickly turned around and continued running. Tyrian jumps up into the air and over the running girls. He lands in front of their path, forcing them to come to a stop.

"なんでしょう?!: Nandeshou?! (What do you want?!)" Misaki asked.

Tyrian tilts his head in confusion, not understanding what Misaki had said.

"彼はおそらく日本語を話さないでしょう: Kare wa osoraku nihongo o hanasanaideshou (He probably doesn't speak Japanese)," Azumi said to Misaki before speaking to Tyrian in English. "She said, what do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm just doing the will of our goddess!" Tyrian answered.

"Goddess? Did you hit your head or something?" Azumi asked, wondering if Tyrian was crazy.

Tyrian rushes over at Yua and sweeps his foot at her legs. He lunges his stinger at Yua's back, cutting it. She falls to the ground yelling out pain as Tyrian chuckled.

"Mom!" Azumi cried.

Just before Tyrian could strike at Yua with his blades, Azumi smacks the Faunus in the side of the head with her guitar case, making him stumble. Tyrian looks back at Azumi as she holds up her case, while Misaki and Hanako knelt down to help Yua. Suddenly, three police cruisers drove up and came to a stop. Six police officers stepped out and pointed their guns at the scorpion Faunus.

"武器を落としてください!私がそれらを見ることができる手!: Buki o otoshite kudasai! Watashi ga sorera o miru koto ga dekiru te! (Drop your weapons! Hands where I can see them)!" one of the officers ordered.

Tyrian laughs And rushes at the officers. As the police officers began to shoot at the serial killer, Tyrian slashed at one of the officers, then impaled another. He rolls over to a third officer, crouches down and impales him in the chest with his stinger. Two more officers ran over towards Tyrian, but the Faunus swept his foot at their legs, tripping them, before slashing them both with the Queen's Servants. He then shoots at the last officer, killing him. Tyrian looks back at Azumi, Misaki, Hanako, and Yua, only to find them gone.

Meanwhile further down the street, the girls were running to find shelter. Hanako and Misaki were both carrying An injured Yua as Azumi was right behind them. They then stopped as they saw a couple of ambulances parked close by with a few paramedics tending to some injured people. Azumi, Misaki, and Hanako looked at Yua as she groaned in pain.

"We need to get you mom to a hospital now Azumi," Misaki said.

Azumi ran over to a couple of paramedics as Misaki and Hanako set Yua down on the sidewalk. Azumi and the paramedics rushed over to Yua as a police cruiser drove up and parked up close to them. Azumi looked at the cruiser as Daisuke stepped out. He looked over to his wife then to his daughter.

"What happened?!" he asked.

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