Izanami's Resolve

298 5 15

June 21, 2020

The next day within the city, an apartment building was on fire and several emergency response vehicles were at the scene. A man and woman were being held back by a couple of firefighters.

"My baby! My baby's still inside!" the woman cried.

"Let me through! Let me through!" the man shouted.

"We can't let you pass! The building is about ready to blow!" one of the firefighters said.

Suddenly, a guitar riff was heard. Everyone turns their heads to see Sonic String on the rooftop of a building across from the burning apartment building. She jumps into the air and shoots a blast of air from her guitar, propelling herself into one of the windows of the apartment building. A few moments have passed as everyone waited for Sonic String to come back out. Soon after, the electric guitar welding heroine jumps out of the window with the baby in her arms and her guitar strapped to her back. She landed on the ground and approached the two parents.

"I am here... with your baby!" Sonic String said as she passed the baby to the parents.

"Oh, God! Thank you! Thank you, Sonic String!" The mother cried as she took her baby.

"Hold it right there!" a familiar voice shouted.

Sonic String turns to see Daisuke running toward her as points his gun at her.

"I can't deal with this right now, dad," Sonic String thought.

Before anything else could happen, the sound of a woman screaming was heard. Everyone turned their heads as the screaming was coming from the apartment building.

"There's someone still inside!" a bystander shouted.

Debris fell and collapsed in front of the front door, blocking it. Sonic String looked back at Daisuke for a moment before he gave a sigh and lowered his gun.

"I'll let you go this one time. But the next time we meet, the mask comes off," he said.

Sonic String took a few steps away from everyone and shot a blast of wind at the ground, launching herself into the air and straight back into the window. She looks around to find the woman as everything around her is set ablaze. She then saw a figure in worn out ragged blankets. Sonic String plays a short riff on her guitar, shooting out a stream of water at the flames around the blanket covered woman.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! I am here to get you out!" Sonic String said.

She approached the blanket covered woman. Just as Sonic String was about to grab the woman's shoulder, she quickly turned around letting out a scream while the blankets dropped, revealing herself to be Izanami. Sonic String only had enough time to step back in fright as Izanami punches her in the face, knocking her back a few feet.

"I'm guessing you were the one that started the fire?" Sonic String asked as she was getting up off the floor.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out!" Izanami answered.

Crashing through a wall behind Izanami was her glider. She jumps onto it just as it was about to fly into her. Sonic String ducks down to the floor as Izanami flies right over her and out the window. She looked out the window as she and everyone watching outside the apartment building saw as Izanami was flying away. Sonic String jumps out the window and lands on the ground below. She looked around for a moment and saw a guy dismounting off of a motorcycle. She ran straight over to the guy and his motorcycle and hops right on to it.

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