Run Away

358 10 59

Fukushima Residence

June 11, 2020

It was morning the next day and Azumi and Haru sat on the couch together, worried about Yua. They were both watching the news on yesterday's worldwide attacks.

"Millions of yen of damage have been estimated all over Japan. Thousands of lives have been lost in these attacks," a news anchor reported.

Azumi changes the channel to another news channel.

"Most of the mysterious black creatures that many people identified as the Creatures of Grimm have been dealt with, but there are still some that have retreated out of Tokyo. All citizens are to be advised to avoid the Grimm at all costs and contact authorities if sighted," a different news anchor reported.

"Creatures of Grimm? That sounds familiar," Azumi thought.

"Do you think mommy is going to be okay, Azumi?" Haru asked.

"I'm sure she will be fine," Azumi said as she wrapped her arm around her little brother.

The front door opened and in came Daisuke. He closes the door behind him and walks up in front of Azumi and Haru.

"Is mommy gonna be okay?" Haru asked.

"The doctor said she'll be fine, but she's going to be staying at the hospital for a few days," Daisuke answered.

"Thank, God," Azumi sighed in relief. "See, Haru? What did I tell you?"

"Can I watch my show now?" Haru asked.

"Sure, Haru," Azumi answered as she took the remote and changed the channel to Peppa Pig.

"Azumi, can I speak with you in your room alone, please?" Daisuke asked.

Azumi stood up from the couch and walked upstairs as her father followed her behind as Haru stayed to watch the television. They both walked into her room and Daisuke closed the door behind him. Azumi sat down on her bed as Daisuke looked down at her with a frown.

"Do you know why we are in here?" Daisuke asked.

"I'm guessing mom told you what happened between us before the attack?" Azumi asked.

"Do you have any idea of how much trouble you're in? Playing that garbage rock music behind our backs?" Daisuke asked.

"Dad, it's not even a big deal. What is a big deal is that mom is in the hospital because of some scorpion-tailed lunatic that's still out there," Azumi said.

"I know that, but right now, your mother is not the issue for this discussion!" Daisuke said.

"Dad, the music I play with my friends isn't even that bad," Azumi said.

"That's exactly what one of my friends said before he became a drug addict and started killing people for drug money! And I had to be the one to arrest him!" Daisuke said.

"But I'm not him! And I'm making sure that it will never happen," Azumi said.

"I find that hard to believe," Daisuke said.

"But dad-" Azumi gets cut off.

"I don't want to hear another word about this! From now on you are no longer allowed to play that damn modern music with your friends again! In fact you are not allowed to hang out with your friends at all!" Daisuke said.

"But that's not even fair!" Azumi shouted.

"I don't care! If this is what it takes for you to stop, then so be it!" Daisuke shouted.

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