Touched (one direction fanfic)

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"Good morning baby." I heard Layla whisper in my ear. I felt her lips brush against the skin right behind my ear. I smile and shifted in the warm blankets to look at her. Her blue eyes looked at me. The sparkle in the corner of her big eyes shined. Her nose lightly sprinkled with small freckles. Her long eyelashes fluttered as I pressed my hands to her stomach. But it was the smile on her face that drew me to her. She never stopped smiling. She smiled when she cried, she smiled when she was pissed, and she smiled when she was happy. The bottom lip was a little bigger then the top and they were a light red color. I pressed my lips to hers gently. The soft touch had her eyes flutter open. I could feel her hair touch my cheek. I pulled away.

"Happy birthday hazza." A grin planted dimples on my cheek.

She got up and she still wasnt wearing pants. I scooted towards her and squeezing her bum before she could get too far away from me.

"Where do you think your going?" I growled in my husky voice. My floppy curls stuck to my hot face.

"I was going to get some clothes on and then I was going to make us a lovely breakfast." She smiled as she began to pick up her clothes. I smirked and winked at her as she put on her panties.

"I had fun last night. You are wild in bed. I like that in a girl. It was crazy how you knew all my soft spots." I was off the bed and had my arms around her waist. I rubbed my hardening length against her. She rolled her eyes which made me wriggle my eyebrows. "The way you moaned my name as I stuck my-"

"Harry!" A blush crossed her face. She pressed her fingers to my mouth and pushed her body away from mine. Her eyes scanning up my body, lingering slightly at my tightened briefs. She laughed and put on my shirt.

"Go take a shower, weirdo." She giggled. I had been dating her for over 2 years. It was the most serious relationship I had ever had. She was everything I could of ever dreamed about. She was actually innocent before I got ahold of her. She started off as a challenge. Louis and zayn told me that I couldn't get her but I said I could. Long story short, she got a tongue in her mouth and a number on her wrist. I got a slap on the cheek, a drink in my face and a call a couple hours later. We started dating two weeks after that.

I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I turned the shiny metal knob and water came out of the spout. The cold water soaked my feet and made me jump up in down while the goosebumps covered my arms.

"Damn!" I cursed. The water slowly turned warm. I hated this new house. It was too small. It was crowded but it was all Layla and I could afford. We weren't poor but we weren't all that rich either. I pushed my dropping ringlets out of my face. I ran my hands down my body. A squeak filled the small contained bathroom. My eyes shot open and the water turned them red on contact.

"Hello?" I said loudly while I rubbed my eyes. "Layla?" There was no answer. I opened the wet curtain to reveal an empty bathroom. The door was open slightly.

"Layla. This isn't funny." There was still no answer. The bathroom was small. There was a bathtub/ shower, a toilet and a small vanity with a mirror. The only place anyone could hide was the vanity. I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel Around myself. I let my foot touch the white tile that was slowly yellowing. I scurried ovr to the sink and grabbed onto the cold metal. I threw open the drawer to reveal towels. I sighed and spun around my heels. The door was wide open. My breath hitched and my chest restrained me from taking another breath. I closed my eyes and pushed the door closed. I pushed the carbon dioxide out of my lungs and forced in some oxygen. I coughed and spit the mucus in the toilet. I dropped my towel and slide the curtain back. Blood. The bathtub was filled with the blood. The scarlet liquid splashed up against the sides. Why? How? I looked around quickly and there was nobody there. I was breathing quickly. But no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't breathe. My eyes rolled back in my head and I fell backwards. My head hit something hard which caused me to screamx. The pain was unbearable. I was shaking, I could feel it. I could feel the cold and fear taking over my actions. There was running. I felt the vibrations against the floor pressed to my ear. The door flew open. I was scared. I was so scared.

"Oh my god, harry!" There was a soft touch on my cheek. Then a slap. I felt it before when we first met.

"Harry open your eyes got damnit." Her voice was trembling. Her hand pressed against the top of my head. I felt everything but I couldn't open my eyes. "Blood! I'm calling 911." She didn't leave though. She stood beside me and held my hand.

"Hello my name is layla. My boyfriend is injured. He is bleeding and he won't respond." There was a little murmuring but nothing from my girlfriend. "Direction road we are 1. Please hurry." There was crying and she pressed something against my head and I relaxed. I knew I was going to be okay. I finally allowed my heartbeat to slow down and my body to go unconscious.

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