14: Milk and sharing beds

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Twenty-one years old

Ares keeps sleeping in Felix's bed.

The first time he asks if he can is after a day of studying relentlessly for his upcoming exams at the end of fourth semester. Felix has always considered himself to have a weak heart for an already half-asleep Ares with bedhead in an old t-shirt that used to be his dad's, so he agrees without much thinking.

That night, Ares brings his stuffed animal, pillow and comforter into Felix's room, claiming the left side of the bed. 

"Now, remember," Ares says, fake-glaring at Felix, hugging the blue pillow to his chest, "I am a light sleeper so if you try anything, I'll know."

Felix snorts before turning his back to Ares. "Right."

They go to sleep on their own side that night, barely even touching each other except the hand that Ares uses to caress the back of Felix's neck with. Still, Felix wakes up to someone breathing into his ear and he has to stop himself from freaking out before he realizes that it's merely Ares, pressed against the side of his neck as if he's using him as a pillow. When Felix looks over, he spots the stuffed animal on the floor and he feels weirdly victorious about it.

Felix thinks it's just that one night—refusing to let Ares know that he's dreading his returning to his own room—but then Ares reminds him that he still has a few exams left ("The worst ones even!" Ares exclaims, falling onto Felix's made bed, "The last ones are always the worst.") and that he would definitely benefit from staying with Felix a couple of more nights.

Felix merely rolls his eyes and doesn't complain when he turns off the lights, joining Ares. This time, Felix is awake to feel Ares turn around in bed, his left arm slung over Felix's waist while the other one fights its way under him so that he can wrap it across Felix's chest. Felix refuses to sleep with his window open so, he knows, it's too hot to sleep this close—so hot that he can disgustingly feel his back start to sweat—but he still can't help but hope that this will not be an one night thing.

It's a week too late that Felix realizes exams have passed and that Ares now doesn't have any excuse to sleep in Felix's room anymore, but that he is still doing so regardless.

"It's colder in there," he says one night, pushing Felix's door open before taking a deep breath inside it like it proves his point. "You know how sensitive I am to hot rooms. I get cranky."

"You'll be asleep."

"How will I sleep if I'm cranky—Can you turn off the lights? I'm already under the blanket."

The first nights, Felix pesters Ares about it. He finds it amusing how Ares will come up with a new excuse every night and if he can't, he'll just promise that it'll be the last time. Too fast, Felix gets used to watching Ares enter his room on those rare occasions where he goes to sleep before Felix does and suddenly, he forgets to joke about kicking Ares out.

Felix knows he's a goner when Ares stops turning his back to Felix when they're about to sleep and instead gently pats Felix's shoulder, telling him, "Lift," before sliding his arm beneath his body, wrapping it securely around his chest.

"I thought you couldn't sleep when you're too hot," Felix mumbles in the dark when he's already half-asleep and when he hears Ares groan behind him, he smiles.

"Your room is so cold, I need warmth," he mumbles back when Felix thinks he won't say anything at all and he feels his nose against his neck.

Some weeks pass and Felix is convinced that he will never be able to fall asleep in any way other than this one.

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