23: Pies and anniversaries

53 7 25

Thirty years old

Beside him, Felix hears Ares groan. "Can you not?"

The bird outside their window can, and it clearly will, as it continues to scream with no break like an alarm without a stop button. 

When Felix opens his eyes, he's blinded by the stray of light coming through the curtain, so he turns around, blinking uncontrollably to get used to the lit up room. He reaches for his glasses behind him, but doesn't find them. Still, he clearly sees Ares cover his ears, pressing his face against the pillow beneath him. Felix laughs and Ares turns his head to look at him.

"How is it," he asks, "that stupid bird comes back here every winter? Isn't it supposed to be finding somewhere warmer?"

"It never gets that cold around here."

"Hopefully cold enough for it to freeze to death," he says, turning so he's face down once again. 

"It's just a bird," Felix says. For a moment, it stops and Felix sees Ares shoulders sink before it starts again and his shoulders rise in annoyance just as he groans and Felix laughs, shoving him. He repeats, "It's just a bird."

He lifts his head up. "We should move."

Felix sighs and turns onto his back. "Now you're just dramatic."

Ares groans in offense and then raises himself up, supporting his body on his elbows, still on his stomach. He looks over at Felix and Felix watches him as he looks him up and down, even lifting the duvet to see all of him. He groans again and lets go of the duvet. "No, not even the sight of you half-naked helps me."

Felix sends him a look and deadpans, "Really? Usually does the job."

"Exactly. That's why this is such a problem." Felix rolls his eyes and leans over to kiss Ares' clothed shoulder just as he says, "I can't believe you're not freezing like that. Aren't you the one complaining when the windows are open for too long?"

"It was for you," Felix says. "I know you like to wake up to see me like this."

"You're so thoughtful," Ares grins and asks, "Kiss?" to which Felix leans up and Ares meets him halfway. Then, "Blowjob?" and Felix laughs against his lips and Ares mirrors him. 

"A mom tried to make me cut her daughter's hair really short today," Sara tells later that week over dinner, bringing her bowl of soup to her mouth, "even though she'd told me she didn't want me to. She even went up to me behind her back and told me to do it anyway."

Felix huffs. "The nerve."

"The nerve," she repeats, putting down her bowl. "That's exactly what I thought in the moment. It's..."

"It's gross," Felix helped. Sara hums. "What did you do then?"

"I told her I couldn't," Sara explains, shaking her head, "and she just went off on me. I mean, I'm pretty sure it goes against some sort of human right to cut somebody's hair without their consent." She refills her bowl and adds, "She left a bad review, but I got a hug from the daughter so," she shrugs and Felix taps his spoon against hers.

"Good for you," he says and she thanks him. "Have you heard from Keyomii lately? Is she doing alright?"

Sara hums. "Not as much as usually. I mean, we try, but either she's working or travelling, she never really seems to stop moving. I haven't seen her in ages."

She sighs and Felix chuckles. "You sound like a wife, waiting for her husband to come from war."

Sara mirrors Felix and shrugs. "I miss her, that's all. But the last time I checked, she was dating some guy she'd met in Vietnam once. Apparently, she's head over heels for him."

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