1. To eat one's words - tükürdüğünü yalamak
She ate her words when she realized she was talking badly about the boss right to his face.
2. To make a splash - dikkatleri üzerine çekmek, çok dikkat çekmek
Anna made a splash in the meeting today when her phone started ringing.
3. To be on the safe side - (işi) garantiye almak (için), tedbiri elden bırakmamak, ihtiyatlı davranmak, ne olur ne olmaz
4. As far as one can tell - eğer yanılmıyorsam
As far as I could tell the shop was closed today.
5. To go down the drain - ziyan olmak, boşa gitmek, heba olmak
All of his efforts on the new product went down the drain when the office caught fire.
6. To go down in history - tarihe geçmek
Her speech will go down in history as one of the greatest!
7. To go down a storm - (bir gösteri/film) olumlu tepkiler almak
The opening band went down a storm! It was their first concert!
8. To take a rain check on - iptal edilmiş bir maç veya konser vb'nin daha ileri bir tarihteki tekrarı için verilen bileti almak
I can't go to the museum today, but I'm happy to take a rain check! How about next week?
9. To take the biscuit - (bir aktivitenin vb) en başarısızı olmak, olabilecek en şaşırtıcı şey olarak görülmek
10. To take advantage of - fırsata çevirmek, birini kullanarak çıkar sağlamak, yararlanmak, iyi niyetini kötüye kullanmak
I took advantage of the good weather by going on a walk in the sunshine.
11. To call something off - bir şeyi iptal etmek
We had to call the festival off when we found out that it was going to rain.
12. To cool off - serinlemek, soğutmak;siniri/öfkesi yatışmak, sakinleşmek
13. To come to a head - en üst noktaya ulaşmak, doruğa ulaşmak
14. To make a bee - line for something - doğrudan bir şeye/birine doğru gitmek
Sue made a bee-line for his mum when she saw her after school.
15. To draw a blank - hatırlayamamak
I'm sorry, I'm drawing a blank. I can't remember her address.
16. To put it mildly - en kibar şekliyle
17. To have the upper hand - üstünlüğü ele geçirmek, büyük avantaj sağlamak
Benjamin has the upper hand in receiving the promotion as he has been with the company for over ten years.
18. To have one's work cut out - yapacak zor bir işi olmak
19. To hit the ground running - büyük bir şevkle/hemen kolları sıvamak, güne dinç başlamak
Lisa hit the ground running when she was promoted to manager. She made lots of amazing changes.
20. To keep your nose clean - beladan uzak durmak, pis işlere bulaşmamak
21. To look alive - acele etmek, enerjik olmak
22. To go out on a limb - birisi için riske girmek, başını derde sokmak
23. To go to the dogs - mahvolmak, kötüye gitmek, heba olmak
This tv show has really gone to the dogs. What were the writers thinking?
24. To run the gauntlet - eleştirilere göğüs germek
25. To lie low - göze batmamaya çalışmak, ortalıkta görünmemek
26. To bury the hatchet - kavga etmekten/savaşmaktan vazgeçmek, anlaşmazlığa son vermek, uzlaşmak
27. To go to town - büyük bir gayretle çalışmak, çok başarılı olmak
The production team really went to town on the set design! It looks like we are actually in Rome!
28. To come in handy - işe yaramak, yararı dokunmak
That book about phrasal verbs came in handy when I started my English course.
29. To buy time - zaman kazanmak, oyalanmak
He hadn't finished his project, so he tried to buy time by saying he had been feeling under the weather.
30. To be there for someone - (birinin) yanında/arkasında olmak, (birini) her zaman desteklemek
I'm always going to be there for you no matter what happens!
31. To put a damper/dampener on something - içine etmek, keyfini kaçırmak
Melanie's bad attitude really put a dampener on her surprise birthday party.
English with Fi
Ficción Generalİngilizce konuşma, anlama, yazma becerilerinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı olacak paylaşımlar için bu kitaba göz ata bilirsiniz.