Genevieve Acosta

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Genevieve: "To Ryan Severide" she calls out, raising a glass in her hands "Here's to your last few hours...being a Severide." she slurs, making the woman standing at their table laugh

Ryan: "That was painful. I mean really, really painful."

Genevieve: "Oh, whatever. Just raise your glass to the future Mrs. Casey."

All: "Here here!" they cheer, clinking their glasses together

Woman: "We are out of shots." she announces, patting the table

Genevieve: "I'll go grab them."

Woman 2: "And maybe some food, during one of your turns perhaps?" she hums, shrugging her shoulders as the others laugh

Genevieve: "I said I'd supply the liquor. Not the food" she nods, moving towards the bar "Hi. Can I get another round of shots for that table over there?"

Bartender: "Coming right up."

Genevieve: "Thanks" she smiles, going to turn back to the table but crashes into the chest of someone, spilling their drink across their shirt "Oh, my God. I'm so sorry."

Man: "Oh, uh, it's okay. Don't worry about it."

Genevieve: "Ah, no it's not. Here" she grabs hold of a few napkins beginning to try to wipe off some of the alcohol "And I'm just making it worse" she sighs, shaking her head as the man chuckles "I'm a lot more perceptive when I'm not drunk."

Man: "Oh are you now? And here I thought crashing into things was a daily occurrence with you." he jokes, making Genevieve chuckle a little

Genevieve: "Well, seeing as how I deal with bombs all day I'm either still here out of pure luck or I'm just that good."

Man: "Bombs, huh? Should I be worried?"

Genevieve: "I work for the CPD. Bomb Squad."

Man: "Oh, wow. That's gotta be intense."

Genevieve: "Eh, maybe in the beginning. Now it's a little calming" she nods, exchanging a small smile with the man as they stand in a comfortable silence for a moment "How about in exchange for ruining your shirt...and drink..." she motions in front of them, chuckling a little "I buy you a new one."

Man: "Deal."

Genevieve: "Alright, then." she nods, turning back to the bar

Man: "I'm Alex by the way."

Genevieve: "Genevieve."

Alex: "Nice to meet you." he smiles, holding his hand out for her to shake

Genevieve: "You too."


Adam: "Anybody heard from Gen? It's not like her to be late."

Madeline: "Uh, I don't know" she shrugs, looking around the room "Hey, Halstead...where's Gen?" she hums, giving him a teasing look as he chuckles, shaking his head

Jay: "No idea."

Madeline: "Hmm."

Joseph: "Her and Ryan often go out for breakfast when we don't have a case. Maybe she's with her." he shrugs

Adam: "Ryan's the firefighter chef right?"

Kevin: "Yep."

Adam: "You think if I asked she'd cook a meal for me and Kim? You know, like a romantic evening or something like that."

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