Some Friend

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Kim: "She was the only one in the house. We found a purse. All it had was $64 in cash, make-up, two condoms, and dime bag of heroin. So we have no idea who she is."

Voight: "Well, she's somebody's daughter."

Jay: "No alarm. No sign of forced entry and no sign of Jake McCoy. Just some smashed up and missing memorabilia."

Adam: "Hey, boss? Hey, McCoy's cell keeps going to voice-mail. Found his lawyer's business card. She said he's on his way back from a hunting trip."

Genevieve: "Why would you tell your lawyer you were going on vacation for the weekend?"

Voight: "Let's get a pinging order, find out where he's at."

Kevin: "Yo. We got a lot of press showing up outside, Sarge."

Voight: "All right, comb the neighborhood. Check for security cameras. I want you to find witnesses before the press does, you understand?"

Kevin: "Copy that."

Joseph: "Hey, Sarge" he hums, leading Voight and Olinsky into a room "You know Jake McCoy?"

Olinsky: "Yeah, why?"

Joseph: "How well?" he hums, shining his flashlight on a framed photo of Olinsky and Jake sitting on a shelf

Olinsky: "Pretty well. He's a good guy."

Joseph: "Hmm. This gonna be a conflict for you?"

Olinsky: "I don't see stripes on your shoulders, Joseph."

Voight: "Ok, so I'll ask. Is it gonna be a conflict?"

Olinsky: "No."


Entering the bullpen, Genevieve furrows her brows in surprise, looking towards Jay with a smile as she moves to her desk

Genevieve: "What's the occasion?"

Jay: "Hmm?"

Genevieve: "Well it can't be our anniversary already and neither of us do the whole first date anniversary thing. It's not my birthday. So, what's the occasion?"

Jay: "I didn't send those." he shrugs

Genevieve: "Come on" she scoffs, opening the card attached "Genevieve." she reads "And the card's blank. You're messing with me right now."

Jay: "I swear to God, I didn't send these" he assures, snatching the card from her hands "Damn sure gonna find out who did, though."

Adam: "All right, Maya Collins. Age 16. I ran her prints. She's got one prior for possession. She's originally from Hailey, Idaho. No known address. Her case agent said that she fell through the cracks in the juvie system."

Erin: "Cause of death is blunt force trauma to the head. There was blood on the edge of the coffee table. Looks like she went into it backwards."

Jay: "M.E. put the death somewhere between 12:00 and 2:00 A.M. The neighbor that called and made the complaint said he heard a girl scream at 12:30. Said that wasn't out of the ordinary at Jake's house."

Genevieve: "What are we looking at here? I mean, does Jake McCoy have a history of violence?"

Olinsky: "Well, I met Jake about 10 years or so ago. You know, before I came to Intelligence, I mean. Since then, my contact was pretty sporadic. Now, do I think he's a killer? Not the Jake that I know." he shrugs

Adam: "Well, there is the robbery angle. I mean, the trophy case was cleared out, the house was tossed, and the girl, whatever she was doing there, she might've just been collateral damage."

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