Life Is Fluid

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Rushing up a flight of stairs, Joseph pants as he throws open the door to the rooftop. Looking around he hurries over to where a woman stands on top of the ledge

Joseph: "Bianca. I came as soon as you called."

Bianca: "Shouldn't have called you. Don't know what I was thinking. I just know he doesn't want me no more."

Joseph: "If Benji's cheating on you with someone else, forget him."

Bianca: "I'm tired of this life, Joseph." she whimpers, stepping closer to the edge

Joseph: "I can help you. But you got to help me and tell me where Benji is."

Bianca: "Just so you can go after his brother? Then what?"

Joseph: "Then they both go away for a long time. We'll help you start over."

Bianca: "You telling the truth?"

Joseph: "I swear" he assures, holding his hand out, motioning her towards him "That's it. One step at a time." he nods, lifting her off the ledge as he pulls her into a hug


Trudy: "And you see the flowers?"

Genevieve: "Uh huh."

Trudy: "And-oh! Look at this dress. Isn't it gorgeous?"

Genevieve: "Yeah, it's beautiful."

Kevin: "What's that?"

Genevieve: "Trudy's wedding book. Adam and Burgess' engagement has apparently brought up some feelings inside her."

Adam: "Huh."

Genevieve: "Hey, how old were you when you made this? Pretty sure most of these brands went out of business like 20..." turning to face Trudy she begins to stutter at the look on her face, making her awkwardly clear her throat "A-a long time ago."

Trudy: "Dreams never go out of business, Genevieve. Ever."

Genevieve: "Okay." she whispers, exchanging an amused look with the others as she moves towards her desk

Trudy: "Hey, what's your wedding book look like? Maybe we can toss ideas around."

Genevieve: "I don't have one."

Trudy: "You what?"

Genevieve: "Was I supposed to or something?" she shrugs, taking a seat as Trudy gives her an incredulous look

Trudy: "You've never created a wedding book before?"

Genevieve: "What would be the point? Not like I ever actually want a wedding or anything."

Jay: "Got something against marriage, Acosta?"

Genevieve: "Got something against weddings, Halstead" she hums, making him chuckle "I just think they're overrated. I mean you basically stress yourself out trying to make everything perfect. You spend a boatload of money and-and don't even get me started on the dress."

Madeline: "What's wrong with the dress?"

Genevieve: "You waste thousands and thousands of dollars only to wear it once and then have it collect dust in the back of your closet."

Trudy: "Wait a second aren't you the same one that sent me one of those fancy wedding invitations?"

Genevieve: "That my manipulative, abusive, bastard of an ex created. If it was up to me we would've just gone to the court house and got it over with" she shrugs, thinking for a minute "But then that would mean that I would've actually become Mrs. Alex Simmons..." she trails off, face scrunching up in disgust "I think I just threw up in my mouth." she hums, releasing a gag which makes the others chuckle

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