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chapter seven

GOLDEN RULEchapter seven

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I huffed while staring at the tiled ceiling. This house was so boring. There was nothing to do except sleep, but it's not like I had any other friends than Leala. I then gasped when an idea hit me. I dialed David's number.


"Hey, David." I sat up. "Wanna go somewhere?"

"Depends. Where do you wanna go?"

"Mmm. . . how about the park? A nice stroll would be fun."

"Alright. I'll pick you up in ten."

"Gotcha." I smiled while hanging up.

I searched through my closet for one of his hoodies I could wear. It was starting to get colder outside, but if we're being completely honest, I'd wear hoodies when it's ninety degrees.

I ended up going with his baby blue Beverly High hoodie, some black leggings, baby blue fuzzy socks, and beat-up Air Force Ones. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail before hearing a horn blare outside.

"I'm going out with David!" I informed Dad who was in his room sulking.

I shut the door before hearing a response from him. I happily hopped down the stairs and into David's car with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hey." I beamed.

"'Sup." David locked his doors before driving off.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhm." David turned up the radio—probably to passively tell me to shut the fuck up.

I just shut my mouth. Maybe he just wasn't in a good mood because of the case. Could he have been grieving Khalil differently than everyone else? I internally shrugged before focusing my eyes on something pretty outside.

After a long ride of awkward silence, we arrived at the park. David got out and opened the door for me. At least his manners were still intact.

"So. . . I didn't see you at the funeral." I put my hands into the hoodie's pockets.

"That's 'cause I wasn't there." David hit the lock button with his keys.


"Not everyone likes to embrace the fact that someone they held close to them is. . ." David pushed up his glasses.

"Dead?" I stepped onto the path that I always took either alone or with Calo.

David nodded his head.

"You know. . . I-I'm thinking about protesting the court's decision about Officer Roland."

"Why exactly?" David's arm brushed mine as we walked.

"Because their decision was incorrect."

"Who are you decide? That's the judge's call, don't you think?"

I almost stumbled at his response. "Are you taking the side of the racist Judge?"

"So, the judge is racist when things don't go the way you think they should?"

I stopped walking and turned to stare into his beautiful hazel green eyes. "No. Khalil didn't do anything wrong, and—"

"How do you know? Were you there when he got shot?"

"I know my brother; hell, you even know Khalil." I shook my head. "He wouldn't do something to provoke a police officer."

David scoffed. "You never know. You people—"

"'You people'? What the fuck is that shit supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms, suddenly angry at David. Who does he think he is disrespecting me like that?

"You know. . . Blacks."

I shook my head. "We're done."

"Why? Because I questioned you about your perfect brother who can never do any wrong?"

"No, it's because you laughed at me when your white friend gave me a goddamn concussion; you didn't understand what it meant for a Caucasian to call me a 'nigger'; by the looks of it, you still don't seem to comprehend how corrupt the world is!" I threw my hands up in the air. "It's even changed you, David!" I gazed into his eyes and didn't find remorse, regret, or even sign of tears. "Did our three years together mean anything to you?" My voice cracked.

David sighed, running his hand through his curls. "Of course they did, Harmony. I-I guess things just aren't working out. You have your standards that I'm not meeting and vice versa. I feel like we've both changed, not just me."

"How?" I wiped a tear off of my face.

"You've become more expressive of your feelings. Out of all our three years together, you've told me more about your emotions than you ever have. I love that for you, and I'm sure someone else will admire that about you as well." David smiled weakly. "It's been a good three years."

I watched David walk away and the tears roared out of me. I broke up with him. So, why did I long to be in his arms, to be kissed by him once more, to be reminded that we would get through this together?

I got out my phone and dialed one of the only numbers I had memorized.

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