"But I don't get it." Leala put her hair into a ponytail. "How could a male African American teenager with no weapons be a threat to a police officer who's armed?"
Harmony's older brother was found dead, and the cop who killed him wasn't charge...
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"So, how old are you?" I was beginning to wonder that for some time, I just never asked him. I mean, he looked like he could be around my age, but looks can be deceiving.
"Old enough." Calo smirked.
I took my free hand and hit his shoulder playfully while letting out a laugh. "That doesn't count as an answer."
"Aight." He stroked the little hair under his chin. "I'm eighteen."
I felt my eyes widen. "You're two years older than me yet you act so immature," I joked.
"You're sixteen? Imagine." Calo messed with one of his dreadlocks. "But to be fair, I just turned eighteen yesterday."
"And I turn seventeen in two months." I grinned at the thought of my birthday.
We then talked about the things that we liked and what colleges we were looking into. I guess he was right when he said everyone's a stranger until you meet them. We were so caught up in learning more about each other that we didn't notice that the party was over.
"Harmony!" Leala shrieked. "Harmony! The party's over!"
"Oh, shit. I gotta go." I took my hand out of Calo's. Had I been holding it for that long? And he let me?
"Bye." Calo waved slightly.
"See you tomorrow. Don't forget to make some posters."
"I'll get the girls to do that."
I gasped. "You sexist."
"Harmo— ohhhhh that's why I didn't see your ass all night." Leala crept around the corner with a smirk.
"No, you left me, actually." I pointed an accusing finger at her.
"Uh-huh. And this guy is. . .?"
"Miracalo, or Calo, for short." Calo extended his hand for her to shake and she did so happily. "I'll be helping Harmony with the protest that'll happen tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Leala hit my arm. "You didn't tell me it was tomorrow."
"That's because we didn't make it official until tonight."
"Okay, I'll force— I mean, tell everyone I know to come out and support." Leala rubbed her hands mischievously. Calo and I both laughed while she stood there clueless as to what we found funny.
"Alright, we have to get going; wouldn't wanna yawn while speaking through a megaphone." I grabbed Leala's hand and pulled her along behind me.
"He's cute." She whispered to me.
"Haven't noticed," I lied nonchalantly.
During the entire church service, my knees bounced anxiously while I sat in the brown chairs. I felt my mom gaze at me from time to time but ignored her.
I informed Dad yesterday once I got home that I was going to be protesting. He said he'd join me and we both agreed on not telling Mom. She's a peacemaker and hated stirring up violence.
That's why we do it for her.
Calo sent me numerous texts to motivate me and let me know that I can do it. I kind of had my doubts about the entire thing, but Khalil shouldn't have to die without his murderer paying the price.
Usually, I was the quiet, laid-back, goody-too-shoes; now, it was my time to shine.
Do you know the Golden Rule? Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I knew damn well—sorry Lord—that Officer Roland wouldn't want to be murdered and his murderer out on the loose, and I'm sure Khalil wouldn't let the same happen to me without putting up a fight.
It was only right if I did to him as he would do to me.
I was only a little scared if the police did something terrible to us while we were protesting. That's the last thing that I would want to happen.
I sighed once church ended and looked at the big clock that was right outside.
"You got this." Calo rubbed my shoulder before handing me the megaphone.
I turned it on and it squeaked, causing the crowd to hold their ears. "Sorry," I spoke into it. My voice echoed through the small area. I cleared my throat. "Hi, I-I would like to thank you all for coming out to help with my cause." My hands shook as I stared into the crowd. "Anyway, let's get started." I stood atop someone's blue car—Calo joined me not long after. I threw my right arm into the air in a fist. "What do we want?!"
"Justice for Khalil," the crowd responded while showing their beautifully designed signs.
The energy from the crowd bounced off of me. "And when do we want it?!"