Part 3

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That's why her hair is so big, its filled with all the secrets.

Waking up in a random place wasn't uncommon to me, But what was uncommon was when I woke up in Ashtrays bed. When I woke up, I was met with silence, I was still in my clothes from last night, my hair was a mess and my make up had smudged.

I got up and went straight to the bathroom, I had woken up in Fez's house multiple times, however not in any of there beds, so as I was wiping my make up off with some wipes I had left another time, I was trying to recall what the fuck happened last night.

After successfully taking my make up off I went into the lounge where I was met with the two Boys.

"Hey" I said as I walked over to the table sitting down across from Ash.

"Hey Ell, you good?" Fez asked as he looked up from his cereal.

"Ye just a rough night I guess, got any pills" I asked, my brain was killing me right now from the hang over.

"bro its 10 in the fucking morning, have some breakfast first" he said, I just gave him a look of confusion.

"I'm talking about some fucking hang over pill or shit not drugs" I said as I rubbed my temples hoping it would help, Fez just made a 'oh' noise before putting his bowl down and grabbing some.

"I thought you was starting off the new year clean and shit, you wouldn't stop talking about the new years revolution last week" He said as he handed me some pills and a glass of water.

"ye well your talking to me, the revolution wasn't going to stay long, I thought I would put myself out of my misery" I said as I gulped down the water and pills. 

Fez was disappointed he was really hoping Elli would get clean, he didnt want her turning out like the other people he sold to.

Ash was also mad, only 6 months ago Ash and Fez were introduced to Elli, she has lived in the town for 5 years yet they had never met her before. Fez and Ash grew close to Elli, she was good company for Ash and Fez loved her like family. Elli had done some drugs before meeting them but when they became her drug dealer she got worse, so Ash was the one who pushed her the most to go clean.

Ash had gotten up from his seat and gone to his room in a strop.

"what's his problem" I said looking at Fez.

"He's a little pissed you couldn't keep up with your end of the deal" He said.

Now Ashtray and Elli had a love hate relationship, Ash had major mood swings and Elli could be reckless, meaning the two weren't a great mix, however they both cared for each other.

Elli stayed over quite a bit, which both boys didnt mind, but the only problem was they saw how much drugs she took, they knew she did weed and some others but one day they blew up on her for taking coke.

Back to the talk of Elli being secretive, people knew she did some drugs but they didnt know she hard core drugs like ecstasy, valium and even heroine. She hid in plane sight sometimes and that's how nobody knew.

Elli didnt grow up here, she grew up in LA, she moved here when she was 9, and that's when we became friends. She did drugs before me, she did them at 12 years old, when I started at 15, I had a reason, my dad died, I fell into complete darkness and had no other way yet Elli, fuck knows why, she never told me why she started taking them.

After what Fez gave me kicked in, I decided it was time to go home, Fez offered to give me a lift but I needed some time to think.

I decided to walk home, it wasn't a too long walk and I needed some time to think.

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