Part 8

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rule #1 never kiss and tell.

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"So your telling me you hit Nate Jacobs in the dick" Fez says as he looks in the mirror at Eli.

"Ye he was being an ass so I kicked him in the dick which was well deserved" Eli said as she watched out the window as cars passed by.

Fez was stunned when he found out what happened, he was proud and disappointed at the same time, "You know he's like phyco right, like he wont just let that slip" Fez said, he was worried he would come after Eli and he couldn't let that happen.

"Look Nate wont do shit, I promise you that" She said, now pretty much the whole town knew there was rivalry between Eli and Nate, but even when they asked questions neither would say much. Fez looked at Eli before looking back at the road.

"His whole family is fucked up, Eli stuck up for herself and we should be proud" Ash said as he looked at the wing mirror to see her, she saw him and made eye contact, he wasn't disappointed in her, he was proud as hell, when he heard what happened he couldn't lie it was mad attractive, Eli never played the damsel in distress, she was independent and Ash loved it.

After there conversation stopped, the car ride home was peaceful, Eli was proud of herself and loved the fact Ash was too, it egged her on, although she knew she had now mad a move on the angered boy and that she had just started a war, a war she never intended too start.

After finally getting home Fez went straight to bed, he was exhausted from selling and needed to catch up on sleep, Ash went to his room too, leaving Eli to go to hers. The house was quite everyone was in there own rooms doing there own thing. Eli was scrolling through Netflix on her phone when her door opened a little, she looked to see Ash peaking though.

"You can come in" She said quietly, Ash opened the door and walked shutting the door a little.

"I just wanted to say that what you did tonight was badass and even though Fez may seem disappointed he was actually proud too" He says, Ash was stood at the other end at the room, he was fidgeting looking somewhat nervous which shocked Eli a little since she had never seen Ash nervous like ever. She smiled at him and sat up a little.

"Thanks Ash, I appreciate it" She said, she watched as he looked anxious like he wanted to say more but couldn't seem to find the words, she sometimes forgot he was still just a kid like her. "I was going to watch a film If you wanted to join, I mean you don't have to but I-" she was cut off by Ash walking closer.

"Id love to" He said, he then paused and stopped "I mean that would be chill ye, like sure Ill watch a movie" he said, Eli lifted her Duve and moved over a little initiating for Ash to sit next to her, her bed was small, it was only meant for her so her and Ash were close, it was awkward at first but Ash gained courage to put his arm behind Eli helping her get comfortable next to his body.

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