Part 5

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Love to be alone, hate to feel lonely.

Throughout the ride it was silent, her uncle kept his eyes on the road and occasionally looked at his niece.

Eli liked to be alone, she loved to be alone but hated feeling lonely, call it weird but in some messed up way Eli loved it, she liked space and most of the time quietness.

Eventually they arrived and when Elli looked out the window she saw no other than Fez's house "wait what are we doing here?" She asked as she glanced over at her uncle.

"This is where you are going to be staying Elli" he said as he pulled the car up and opened the door heading to the boot to get her bags. Elli just sat there staring at the house, how did her uncle know Fez? Does Fez know I'm staying?

She was pulled out of her thoughts by her uncle calling her name. She got out the car and made her way to her uncle and started walking up the stairs to Fez and Ashtrays house, she had seen there house as a second home to her, at least she wasn't worried about being uncomfortable.

Her uncle didnt have to knock more than once, the door flew opened and they were met with Fez standing there as he met her uncles eyes "Lee" he greeted, he didnt see Elli since she was stood behind her tall uncles figure.

"Fezco, this is my niece Elliana, she is the one who is going to be staying awhile" he said as he moved to let him see her, He looked confused, he tilted his head and raised and eyebrow.

"Wait I thought that yo-" he was cut off 

"Hi I'm Elliana nice to meet you" She said as she pulled her arm out to meet Fez she needed her uncle to think they had met for the first time since she knew he would be mad that she hangs around with them, Fez just looked at her weirdly, he slowly pulled his hand out and shook Elli's.

"Right well I'm going to have to get going, business calls, I will call you tonight okay, so erm just pick up and I will see you soon" he then just stood there looking at Elli then hesitated before leaving.

Elli knew he loved her, but he wasn't the type to say 'I love you' much, he was the type to show he loved you by making sure you were safe and Elliana knew that. So after he left Eliana stepped inside and then Fez just looked at her and stared "I-, erm I just well, I" he tried to make sense of it but couldn't.

"Look Fez, I have no fucking idea how you know my uncle but I guess I'm living with you" she said, he was still shocked, when he had a call at 3 in the morning last night with one of his business partners telling him they needed there niece to be safe and that he needed to watch over a girl, the last thing he thought of was Elliana, someone who was family to him to be stood at the door with someone who had killed over 50 people, who she knew as her uncle.

"What the actually fuck bruh " he said as he scratched his neck. "wait so your telling me your uncle is Lee Jenson, the well known drug dealer who works with deadly ass people?" he said as he stared at her.

"Basically yeah" she said as she sighed a little.

"Damn" he said as he looked at her, just as Fez said that Ash came in.

"Oh Elli, hey erm you can't be here right now, someone is coming over" he said as he made his way over to Elli.

"nah bruh meet our new guest" Fez said as he pulled out a joint and lit it.

Ash just looked between Fez and Elli, "Wait what" he said as he looked at Fez weirdly "what you mean?"

"Elli is Lee's niece" Fez said as he exhaled smoke. Ash just furrowed his brows in confusion.

Ash just looked at Elli "Shit" he said, he then walked over to Eli and picked up her bags and started walking.

"Ash what are you doing?" She said as she watched him start to walk away, he just looked back and looked at her like she was dumb.

"Your out new house guest so I'm taking you to your room dumbass" he said, he then walked down the hall way to the spare room and put her bags on her bed and stood waiting for Eli to enter, when she did she just smirked "what you smirking for?" he asked.

"I'm just so glad I'm living with you two and not some random arse druggies" She said as she put her hands on her hips and looked at Ash.

"Ye well I'm glad your not some crack head living with us" he said, making Eli smirk, Ash then left and let Eli unpacked her things, she looked around and sighed, it wasn't as big as her room at her house, yet it was more homely, she felt as though she could relax here and be herself.

After an hour of unpacking, Ash came in her room and told her diner was ready, so she followed him out to the diner room where Fez had put bags of Chinese down "Now me and Ash don't cook so its manly going to be take out most nights" Fez said as he made his best for it to look nice for her.

"Ye well its better than what I usually have, I would take Chinese over microwaved food any day" she said as she took a seat at the table next to Ash.

"Don't yo uncle cook?" Fez asked as he undid the bags and put it on the table for them to grab.

"No I actually live on my own" she said making Ash and Fez both stop what they were doing to look at her.

"Wait so your saying, me and ash have both known you for what 7 months and only just found out that A) your uncles Lee Jenson's and B) you live on your own" he questioned

"yeah" she said plainly, the two brother looked at each other then back at Eli.

"I knew we didn't know much about you but damn your like living two lives" Fez said as he began to eat.

"Yeah well I like to keep my life private, anything wrong with that?" she said a little snappy, she liked laying low, she liked to not have everyone in her business and now that was all getting taken away.

"Fez didnt mean it like that El" Ash said as he gave her a sympathetic look, Ash wouldn't admit it but he liked the fact he would get to spend more time with the girl he liked. he also likes the fact he would now be able to understand her, since normally she was a very private person that Ash tried so hard to understand.

"No I know, I just, I never told anything about me and for good reasons, so when people find out I don't know I'm embarrassed" She stated as she looked down a little.

"You do know were drug dealers right" Ash said making Eli roll her eyes.

"No never" Eli said as she faked being shocked.

Now the three talked a lot that night, Eli told them how she never had anyone over because she lived by herself and people would ask questions and she also told them how she didnt know much about what her uncle did but knew the basic stuff, she told them that's how that druggie at Laurie's place knew her as 'lee's niece' , Fez and Ash listened, they both wanted to ask her the big questions like 'where's your parents' or shit that's personal but wanted her to open up on her own, and feel comfortable telling them.

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