Part 16 - you can't save me

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Massive trigger warning!

drug abuse.

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Fez's POV

"Fuck" I say under my breathe, I take in the sight Infront of my eyes, I don't dare look back to see Ash's face. I try and walk closer but my shoes are glued to the floor, my body won't let me move, its like I'm held hostage by fear.

I finally free my feet, I step closer as my breathing starts to race, adrenaline is high and all I need to do is help her. If I'm not too late.

I bend down in front of her, Her eyes are shut, and I see her breathing slow down, I place my two fingers on her neck and check for a pulse. When I find one I finally breathe, she's alive but barley. I look back to see my little brother just stare. His face emotionless, all the colour drained from his face and his body weaker than ever, If I wasn't too focused on Elli I would say Ash Is about to faint.

I look back at the body which is barley alive, I need to act quick and fast.

"Eli" I say quickly, I try shake her, I know she wont respond I just need hope, something to keep me sane, something to keep Ash sane. I lift her up in my lap half her body on me and her other on the floor.

I look at Ash. Not once has he took his eyes off Eli. Not once. "Ash I need to you to call an ambulance, I need you to tell them we have a girl 10 minuets from dying, and isn't conscious" I say calmly, I see a tear drop fall from his glassy eyes, yet I don't see him blink. When I see he doesn't move I repeat myself "Ash call an ambulance" I look at his frozen face, he's in shock, he has just been met with reality. He quickly snaps out of his trance and runs out the room.

I look down at Eli, her almost lifeless body in my arms, I see her skin turn whiter than clouds and her breathing slowly get worse.

"Please Elli, I can't loose you I-" I cry out as I cradle her in my arms, I try and stop the tears but they don't listen. I cradle her whispering it will be okay, it wont be but I need false hope, I need something.

I don't know how long It has been, It could of been minuets, hours, weeks, but when I see Ash come running in and stop I realise whatever he is seeing isn't helping.

"Ash I need you to go down stairs and wait for the ambulance" I say looking up at him as tears roll down my face into my mouth. He doesn't move. "Ash I need you to go and-" He stops me talking.

"I'm staying" He says, I look at him and just snap.

"No Ash, your gonna be a grown up, I'm asking you to be a grown up, your gonna go downstairs and your going to wait for the paramedics, okay?" I say loud and clear. He shakes his head, He isn't listening, I can't let him see this, nobody should see this, especially not him. "ASH GO DOWN STAIRS!" I shout, he flinches at my sudden outbreak, he looks at Eli then goes down stairs. I hear his footsteps go down step by step, I hear the heart wrenching cry from Ash, I hear the sound of Elli's laboured breathing and I hear the sob escaping my mouth as I hold Eli close to me, holding on like she could slip through my fingers at any minute.

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