Confromation Of Three

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The inky black that held him in place. He was always frightened here. He never liked sleeping here. He couldn't move, that scared him more than anything when he fell asleep. He was taking under by waves, powerful violent waves of black. It moved and swooned about, taking in everything around it. Consuming everything, like himself.

He looked every which way waiting for something to happen, but he didn't want anything to happen. He was crying but he wasn't making any noise, he couldn't move to make any. His mouth restricted any movement, anything he wanted to sputter out.

Whatever it was that held him here, did not like him. It was soulfully meant to torture him. He closed his eyes and waited it out, if it wanted to tease him, mock him, lure him into a sense of distress, let it.

The floor beneath him shook and rumbled, black splashing and spitting in his face as he lay there. He couldn't even grimace at it. He wanted to scream for help, as if something was going to help him. He was alone, had been for his entire life. He wasn't going anywhere but deeper and deeper under the waves of the black.

The rumbling grew and his ears were starting to ring. He held his breath and kept his eyes shut tight. The violent spikes of black that smacked him, they made him open his mouth. The waves must have opened him mouth. No no no, he can't breath! He had to move, he had to get to the surface. He tried so hard but the inky darkness took hold of him and he stopped trying.


He woke up startled and sweaty. He hated the dark.

Wait a minute, where was he? He was on something soft in a dimly lit room. The light flickered and that made him wonder if the darkness was eating it. He looked around more, this place was clean, minus the balls of dust that sat in the corners.

He tried to get up but was unable to move his limbs. The light flickered. He immediately was panicked and looked down at his hands and feet. His legs and feet were strapped down his hands were tied together, as were his arms. He tried to say something, but something muffled his mouth.

He gently pulled at his feet wondering how they were going to get him out of these uncomfortable restraints.

The light vanished for a split minute before flickering back to life. He stared at its source that hung loosely from the overhead wall. He started tearing up, no darkness! Please no darkness! That thing producing light had to stay lit, it can't go out.

He heard someone open the wall across the room from him, he jerked his head over still visibly panicked and crying.

He just wanted to go to his Anti-Void. He can't get hurt if he's there. The Anti-Void was safe.

He watched this living being move about smoothly. It wore covers over its eye sockets, maybe to shield it from something? He wore clothing that made him look smaller than he actually was.

He had never seen another living, breathing... living thing ever. Was he really not as alone as he thought he was? Were there more beings like this one?

Considering the situation he was in, he would really hope not. If he's lucky, this is still a nightmare and he'll wake up soon.

The skeleton came forward approaching him causally. He attempted to move away from the unfamiliar skeleton. It didn't work, but his facial features morphed into confusion.

He was scared of this unrelenting being, and that was enough to make him cry more. They roughly grabbed his face turning it every which way looking for something. Or maybe looking hoping to not find anything.

A sigh of relief left his teeth and he started writing something. This skeleton, dubbed White, was suspicious to him. He looked over and up curious to what he was writing. White looked up at him and raised a bone brow. He scooted back but his restraints only let him go so far. He shrank back and compacted himself in a ball. Please, this stranger wasn't going to touch him again was he? Please, no!

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