Legos Come Falling Down

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"Where did you even get this many sets?" Ink crossed his arms with a quizzical look. Sans was a little nervous, he didn't think it was a big deal. Legos we're just a pass time, but at 34 different complete sets, Ink got suspicious. His question was very valid, but Sans couldn't tell Ink where he got this many.

Legos, in comparison, were Sans' cocaine.

"Well uh," he wasn't sure where to start or where to go with his excuse. Not that there was one to give. Sans never built Legos back in his universe. His dad brought him robot kits to build claws, cranes, magnets, etc. This was normal for him. Apparently to Ink, this got out of hand and festered into an unhealthy addiction. Sans might become a hoarder of Lego sets and the pieces that get left over.

"Let the kid be. Be happy he's found a hobby that isn't what Fell does when he is bored. With how often he's around him." Classic assured, quieting towards the end. Ink's eyelights changed to exclamation points and flickered. He cleared his nonexistent throat, adjusted his shirt collar, and pulled his jacket higher up his waist. "Just... just don't make this a hazard." He said and Sans smiled hugging him.

Papyrus would never let him keep this many sets. He never let him keep all the robots he built, they either ended up in the garbage or the quote 'poor people stores' end quote. Sans remembered his brother telling him he had an illness called hoarding. Sans says he's just simply making a collection.

"Um, putting that aside, White was wondering if he could see you." Ink stated. Sans looked excited. "Maybe he going to give me more sets!" He said excitedly running down to White's lab.

Sans didn't say anything when White started giving him Lego sets besides the occasional 'thank you'. However, he had noticed the White's eye sockets looked a little darker, and his little pin lights had a blue hue to them. Yet, when White was in the public eye, that blue hue was gone. Whatever it was bothering him, Sans wanted to know. To help him.


White had spent the last three days without any sleep. His appetite had ceased almost completely. His bones had become brittle. He was severely dehydrated. His attitude seem to snap more often than not.

His hate for Sans was never not growing. His soul would openly take all the hate that burrowed painfully. The swelling that throbbed with every beat felt right, but it wasn't! He was just stressed and therefore had no reason to hate Sans. Ink was just worried about Sans, that was why he hadn't been paying attention to White.

It started when he went back to his AU for a little bit of 'me time'. After the first meeting with his Lego buddy. It felt like someone was manipulating his soul mercilessly and gouging out the most important parts of him. His memory seem to fail him in even the best of times. Those were the first red flags, but he blamed it on his lack of sleep. So he tried to get sleep and he couldn't sleep for more than an hour. Eventually, he stopped sleeping altogether. Then it was the eating. He'd admit, his eating habits weren't the best, but his small lunches turned into an orange a day. He no longer had an appetite after yesterday. The thought of food made him want to vomit bile he didn't have.

"Hey, White!"

White turned his head towards the doorway to see a chirpy Sans with his hands intertwined behind his back. He held a patient smile, just as he did with every meeting. "What's up?" He asked kindly.

The swelling pounded. The throbbing pulsed violently. He refused to hate Sans no matter what his soul said. He didn't have a reason to hate him.

The kind smile held nothing but nice intentions and interest in him. He looked at Sans to see such bright pinpricks glaring like the sun. The untethered curiosity that held nothing but questions. His good intentions were put on display for all to see, he confessed he meant no ill-will towards anyone, especially White. He looked to White hobbies and common interests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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