Hands and Pens

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Since Error knew most sign language, the group (Classic, Dream, Ink, and White) decided that it'd be the best option to call a council meeting a week ahead of time.

That was today, the beginning of that week. Error had been given different clothes that Ink made for him specifically.

-Two white shirts (something Classic suggested).

-A new jacket that hadn't been stitched several times. It was a black jacket that faded to dark blue.

-Sweatpants, a pair of jeans, and two pairs of shorts.

-A belt, gloves, socks, and shoes

Ink stood impatiently outside Errors door. He rocked on the heels of his feet. When Error did come out, he looked up from his new jacket to Ink who smiled and, almost yelled, "Wow! You look awesome!"

No, he DID yell. Very loudly.

Error turned into a highlighter in mere seconds and Ink turned into a packet of skittles for his embarrassment.

'Thank you.'

Error said with shaking hands.

"Let's go, we, uh, don't want to keep them waiting much longer." Ink said and turned away hoping to kill the tension that sat between the two.

Error followed behind with his hands behind his back. He was nervous to talk to anyone since he was still practicing physical language.

He wanted nothing more than to stay in his room (or a less crowded area) and practice sign language. Ink said something about teaching him how to read and write. Error knew how to write and read very few words. The longest words being four to five letters.

He was learning colors, sign language, and objects right now.

He didn't know what it was about being taught, but he was fascinated by it. He loved learning and being taught new things. And Dream, though untrusted tp Error, picked up on this quickly.

Error wasn't sure when Dream saw him with Ink learning about landscapes, but he was more than grateful to being given a book of only landscapes and no words. Detailed paintings, drawings, and professional photos that he could stare at for hours.

Dream was more than happy to explain certain objects, colors, and land markings to him when asked.

There was a thing about Dream that Error was weary of. His constant need to fake things, for example, his physical appearance.

Dream had this vibe that made Error both confused and mentally active. Dream never got too close to people, always standing a certain amount of inches away. He never spoke unless he wanted to, making an awkward silence a common thing with him. He never, never looked at anyone and judge them. Which was what made Error even more curious of him. Everyone here judges everyone, including himself.

"Alright," Ink spoke clapping his hands. Error looked up putting his hands to his side's awkwardly. His hands felt clammy.

"You all can ask Error one question each. He still can't sign everything because he's still practicing but he can answer simple questions." Ink patted Errors skull, who smiled slightly at his attempt to assure him.

Ink sat Error down, and then went to sit down beside him. They started at the scary guy from about a week ago. Error waved lightly and signed, 'The Unpleasant Face guy.' Ink turned away and snorted. Classic and Blueberry burst out laughing as everyone else tried to conceal their laughs and teasing. The questioner was beet red. He growled and said in a low voice, "My name his Fell." He said it slowly as if trying to keep himself composed.

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