This Action Will Have Consequences

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White felt more or less worrisome. He didn't feel like he was being judged by the kid, more like studied. He didn't believe the kid to have the common Sans code for a judge. More so, he didn't think he wanted to be one.

He wanted to have a sample to decode, but Dream and Ink made it very clear that they would not be taking any code from Sans. He wanted to learn and understand Sans' AU. Stringtale had no records written in the library. Like it didn't exist, in a sense, it technically didn't. No one knew why it refused to let anyone near it. It kept itself under wraps very meticulously. Strategically, even.

Not knowing something was something White hated. White was supposed to know everything that was relevant. That was his job, that was his place in the multiverse. To keep track of everything. He had to know what happened, was happening, would happen. That's why he had access to everything here. He had files, codes, tests, etc. He had everything on everyone, you'd think he was powerful.

He was, but he never used it for personal gain (at least not intentionally).

Ink would remind White that he was still young. He was. White what sixteen years old. He was mature for his age, but he wasn't an adult. That didn't stop him from forcing his way to the top. To be respected. He lived his life solely around adults. That's how he liked it.

To see a kid only three years younger. It ignited something he hadn't felt in a long time. Something brotherly, he assumed. He wasn't sure what he was feeling.

He didn't understand Sans' situation. Not everyone did, but that didn't mean he didn't understand what it did to people physically and neurologically. Emotionally was a bigger factor.

Sans put on a tough facade, a thick shell meant to protect himself. He was cautious and hesitant. Shy but knew when to be stern, it could have been because of his home life.

He remembered how Sans wouldn't let him check any further than below his knees. He assumed it was because of the lab he was in. Yet, he felt like it was more than that. Sans had problems with his rib cage, shoulder blades, upper arms, thighs, and pelvis area. He pretended to not notice the poorly wrapped stained rags that covered his wounds before Sans pushed him away.

He kept that to himself. He had seen how protective everyone was with Sans, they didn't need another reason. He decided he'd handle this on his own, teenager to teenager.

He also noticed how Sans kept his distance from Dream, he did the same when he was Error. Something's never change. However, by the way Sans acted was a bit more obvious. He wanted Dream to pick up the hints he was dropping. He did not like Dream.

Sans was picky about who he decided to be within his social bubble, Fell seems to have met all of Sans' standards. Shockingly. Ink and BB also hold a place there. Classic as well. Where did White stand?

White wasn't allowed to do what he normally did for check-ups on out-codes. Which Sans was. White didn't spend a lot of time with him. Unlike White's first arrival to the Council and base, Sans was fond over quickly. Not just because he was Error at one point.

Children Sans' were a rarity in this multiverse, and their AUs revolved soulfully around their children hood. So either they aged slower or not at all. Baby Blue aged slowly. Sans was different, he would age like any normal Sans did, that was the point of his AU if White had to hypothesize. Fate ripped him from his universe, so whether he was supposed to age normally was up for debate.

"W-White? A-Are you o-okay?"

White had been in his office for a while. He looked over at the doorway to see a very nervous and shy Sans, he avoided eye contact. White calmly walked over slowly. He wasn't going to get this kid to look at him and he was too tired to convince him to.

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