North and the Moon

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"Let me tell you a story."

He held his stuffed cow closely. It wasn't his formerly, it used to be his dad's and then his older brothers and now his. It's right eye was missing and stitching -some done very messily- were scattered across its body. His left ear was missing, and by the amount of loose thread, it had been restitched before it was lost.

He didn't much mind it's rough shape, it was his now and he loved it. In his mind it loved him as it had its former owners.

The caretaker patted his head and sighed softly. He looked up and with a small voice, "The Moon Story. I want to hear that one." The caretaker laughed and his canines were mesmerizing. "You always ask to hear that one." The caretaker raised a bone row. "It's my favorite, you always change the story. Nothing is ever the same." He stated.

They laid down and he held his cow tightly. He cuddled under his blankets with an eager smile. "Alright."

"Once upon a time there was a Star. The Moon named him North."

"You said his name was Lunar last time!"

"Shhh, I'm telling the story. The Moon named him North. And North did what he could to help asteroids find their destinations.

"The Moon had distanced herself from other stars, but she loved North. Oh, she loved North. Until, one day, planet Earth had a problem.

"Traveler's were getting lost, so they would ask 'The North Star' for help. 'Oh North Star, please help me home, for I miss my dear wife and kids.' And so he would give them directions. North was content helping humans.

"The Moon didn't. So when she noticed how humans were evolving and polluting their skies with light pollution she was more than happy to have more time with North.

"She went to see him and saw him crying. His dust floating in every direction. 'Oh North, why are you crying?' She asked. 'The humans, they no longer need me! I no longer have a purpose.' He weeped.

"Moon sighed. 'You have another purpose.' North looked at her. 'When nighttime covers the Earth you can show the galaxies how beautiful you are.'

The caretaker went to continue but the sound of soft snoring was heard and so they stopped. They kissed the child's head and went to leave.

Gaster wasn't very good at physical affection but Sans needed just that. Unlike his older brother, Papyrus, who spent most of his time working or studying.

Gaster worked, did parenting, cleaning, cooking, etc. He wasn't there for Papyrus like he should had been, so he changed and decided to be there for Sans. Because he needed him.

Much to Papyrus' denial, whom believed Gaster was doing it to spite him in his adulthood. He did what he could to distant himself from Gaster. However, he tried his best to be there for his little brother. Telling him jokes(even though he wasn't fond of them himself), doing puzzles, and drawing with him. He praised him for everything with stickers and head pats. He taught him sign language and how to knit.

"I'm home."

Gaster looked up and sighed. Papyrus was back home and carrying a bag of groceries in one hand while in the other a box of cigarettes. Cheap ass cigs. Gaster waved and went to the kitchen. "There are leftovers from dinner in-"

"I already ate."


Gaster looked away and a cold rush run up his spine, he felt uncomfortable. "Night."


He fucked up bad. He couldn't mess up a second time. He couldn't.


Error waved at Classic when he left. He liked Classic's company.

"Come on Error. Supper time."

Error followed Ink to the dining room after adjusting his glasses. "You like those glasses White gave ya?" Ink asked. Error couldn't help but smile and nod.

'Who is going to be at supper?'

"Me, Blueberry, Dream, G, and you"


"Why don't you like him?"

'Dream is not good with giving people personal space.'

Ink chuckled. "Sit by me then."

Error smiled and side-hugged Ink.


Error wasn't very much of an eater. He only ever ate small portions, if anything. Ink was persistent on trying to get him to eat more but every attempt was met with an assuringly look and a small 'I don't need that much'.

Dream sat across from Error quietly as his phone obnoxiously dinged from texts sent by Cross (no one knew of course). He put his phone on silent.

Error slowly ate as G studied him.

G normally stayed over for supper and was quite close with Dream. They muttered things back and forth, sometimes chuckling.

Blueberry would talk to Error as he ate, but never expected Error to answer back. Not that he wanted to, Error liked hearing Blueberry's voice after awhile. He was loud, but he had so many things to say.

G eyed him, judging his reactions to anything Blueberry had to say.

Error looked at Blueberry with a sense of interest. He was eager to catch every word that left his mouth, slipping past his teeth.

G looked down at Error's plate, there wasn't hardly anything. Error didn't each much, clearly from the lack of food on his plate. G noticed how Error had only taken one bite for the ten minutes they'd been sitting at the table.

"You sure that's enough?"

Blueberry pointed at Errors plate. He let out a sound that resembled a broken calculator. He put his hands up reassuringly as if to say it was enough. That he didn't need any more than what he had put on there.

'I don't really know how to eat.'

The table went silent.

'My magic is all I really need.'

Ink and Blueberry both lost their fucking minds. Nagging, bombarding, and pestering Error with the importance of the food pyramid and the importance of nutrition. Error looked confused, embarrassed, and overwhelmed. The hell was a food pyramid?

G chuckled as Dream shooed the two skeletons off Error. "How's about we teaching him how to eat properly? What you two are doing is not helping anyone." Dream stated scowling the both of them.

"Why don't I do it?"

Everyone looked at G. Error looked surprised.


"Why not? I feel like you and I could be best friends."

'Best? Friends?'


G looked up at Dream and winked. Dream was confused.

'Okay! Classic says making friends will help with my sign language! I can learn what words to use!'

G smiled and sighed.

"You sure can."

Error smiled and the evening went on as usual.

G looked away, not participating in any conversation. Something was bugging him and he needed to figure out why. First off, how long had Error been in this 'white room'?

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