Learning Emotionally and Verbally(Sorta)

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Error wasn't responsive for two straight days. He was constantly being checked on.

At some point he did stop mumbling and wasn't completely limp as he had changed his position of sleeping when White went to check on him. That's progress.

They'd concluded that it wasn't anyone they knew and it wasn't Dream's brother, his aura wasn't exactly present. Negativity was there but Error was the one radiating it. Clearly.

Ink was in there most of the time, if he wasn't then White was. They thought it would be best if he didn't wake up alone.

Though questions needed answering, they seemed the least bit concerned about that. It was important, but Errors health and safety was more important. He mattered more than questions and that needed no words.

The lack of creativity was not unnoticed, the lack of needed destruction also didn't go unnoticed.

Ink couldn't wrap his head around the reason for destruction, more so it needing a host to do so. To achieve something he didn't understand. To gain something he didn't know, or if he wanted to. To have the ability used in a reckless manner where the controller wasn't sure with how to use it, Ink couldn't understand that either. Why would anyone want to destroy AUs?

He couldn't ask Error, he didn't know. He was asleep most of the time. He never left his home-wherever that is-awake and aware of his surroundings. Ink couldn't stress how imprisoning that is. How lonely that is. How mind shifting that is. How utterly abusive that is. It made his empty rib cage shake and rattle with angry.

What does anyone have to gain from abusing someone so unaware?

He stared at Error as he mumbled incoherently and shifted to his left side. Ink leaned forward and pulled the blanket further up. He sighed quietly and pulled his legs into the chair wrapping his arms around them and burying his face in his knees. He groaned and weeped.

How could he let this happen?


White groaned loudly and threw his hands on his workbench.

What the actual fuck was that thing? It didn't appear on cameras but from playing the videos, this is the second time this has happened. How the hell did it get in there twice?

What is it?

How did it get in there?

Why does it need Error?

Where did it come from?

In that order. He slammed his head on the table and shook it. Nothing realistic or scientific could explain what ever that thing was.

From the way Error acted, it did this as a way to scare him into sleep. It was working quite well. Unfortunately.

"I've looked through every science book I own, every history book this place has, every single nonfiction book this place has. Nothing explains what that thing is!" He yelled. He pinched the bridge of his nose cavity.

"Have you tried mythology? I don't see one on mythology." White looked up, Ink stood in the doorway with tear streaks on his face. "That's the only one I haven't tried beside the various bunny books you own." White stated, "Not that I have any hope in figuring out what that thing is in Mythology."

Ink sighed and leaned on the door frame. "I got Classic down there. Error took a small liking to him. Unlike Dream." Ink stated quietly. White snorted and said, "I still find that funny."

Ink hugged himself and hung his shoulders. He was antsy. He wiped his face. "Come on, we'll find something." Ink spoke empty words.

They both knew that.

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