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The crusty villain lept a foot in the air with a yelp. Izanami had appeared right behind him, in his room. The blue haired man growled, putting his palm against his heart.

She was in her combat gear. Dark jeans, a black long sleeve, black combat boots, black fingerless gloves, black knee pads and elbow guards. With a bulletproof/utility vest, and a couple knives and other weapons strapped to her legs. The icing on the cake, however, was her mask. It was a black full-faced one, with a matte skull that was barely visible, and was completely smooth.

"-the bus has reached the USJ. We have five on the lookout, and the rest are finishing up getting ready. We're ready to go, once I get the confirmation that they're in position."

Shigaraki nodded, grabbing his father's hand and putting it on his face. 'She's seriously a drill Sargent....but I wouldn't have made it this far without her. She's a beast.' Past memories of her combat strategies and brutality, even without her quirk, raced through his mind.

Shigaraki shook his head some as she put a hand on his shoulder. Jumping them to the warehouse, where the rest of the low and part-time villains waited. The Nomu awaiting orders.

Shigaraki looked over the crowd, Kurogiri standing a little ways away. Everyone waiting. Izanami took a step back to stand besides the bartender, letting him take the lead. She preferred to be in the background.

"Izanami, are you sure we needed this many people? It was supposed to be a lot smaller."

Izanami shrugged some, crossing her arms.

"What, you don't want them? Besides, I'm underground. And Im going to keep it that way."

It wasn't like Shigaraki could tell her no, so he just nodded. Turning to Kurogiri.

"Warp us."


Aizawa's eyes widened. One of the villains had appeared between Shigaraki and the students. His hand touched her forearm, instead of Tsu. Izanami stared hard at Shigaraki from behind her mask. The mask making her voice deeper.

"I don't care if you cause a massacre. But you won't touch a fucking hair on any of the kid's head."

She paused, looking back before grabbing Mineta by his head.

"Well, maybe this one. I can tell he's a pervert."

"Hey wait!"

He squealed, thrashing around some as Midoryia waved his hands about.

"Um I'm sorry ma'am could you please put him down-"

"Midoryia, are you seriously asking a villain to help us in the middle of a fight?"

He froze, Shigaraki losing interest as Izanami continued to watch it unfold. Still holding Mineta by his head. Who was now drooling over her chest.

Izanami rolled her eyes, and crouched in front of Midoryia. Grabbing his face with her other hand and staring hard at him. He goes silent out of fear. Shaking slightly under her cold aura.

"And what will you give me in return?"

He goes quiet and she chuckled lightly. Turning his head each way, observing him.

"How about you take his place. Hm? Be a hero~"

AllMight burst in, and she sighed. Dropping the grape and moving so she stood behind Izuku. Her hand still holding his face.

"Lookie here. AllMight has come to save you and your teacher. Isn't that nice?"

She said softly in his ear, before letting go of him. Standing straight up and focusing on the number one hero.

"You owe me. For releasing you and your pervy friend."

Izanami said smoothly, walking towards the stairs. Where a few other students remained, and Thirteen.

AllMight had grabbed Eraserhead from the Nomu, and the kids. Sending them all away together, and facing off the Nomu by himself.

Shigaraki nodded to the doors, scratching at his neck.

"Make sure no other heroes are coming. If they are, take care of them."

Izanami shrugged.

"Fine. I'm taking a dozen then."

She pointed to twelve men, and made a motion for them to follow her. They quickly followed, and she lined them up. Taking three at a time outside, giving them different positions and tasks for an ambush.

After getting settled in place and waiting maybe five minutes, the group of heroes was seen approaching. Some running, some jogging.

Izanami looked for any stragglers, anyone she could take out easily. A blob of walking yellow caught her attention. And who else was in the back alone but Present Mic?

Izanami seemed to appear behind Present Mic. Grabbing his throat from behind and looping her forearm between his elbows and back. He froze, and she focused. Disabling his vocal cords, and grinning. She walked backwards slowly, leading him away from the group. Speaking softly in his ear.

"Do you want to save them? Your friends? You may be too late for Thirteen, but some of the kids should be alive."

Present Mic tensed, opening his mouth to yell. But nothing came out. His eyes widened, as he began to panic. They were getting farther and farther away, and he could see some villains waiting for the other heroes. A trap. He jerked against her hold in a panic, but Izanami held fast.

"Eraserhead wasn't looking too good either."

She whispered, and Mic's breath caught in his throat. A lump forming as he felt tears starting to well up.

"If those heroes don't get in soon, he might not make it."

Mic went limp some, letting her lead him backwards until a tingling feeling overtook his gut. He looked up in surprise and fear. Seeing himself in an empty room.

It was 10'x10', with two lights in the ceiling, and a cot in the corner. A small cooler was under the cot, with a light switch on one wall, and a couple books on a small table with a metal folding chair. A plain door to the right, which showed a small half-bath.

Izanami let go of him, and shoved the hero away. Present Mic stumbled a little, turning back to see who took him. Izanami's military-like figure intimidating him some. She ignored his sharp gaze, and spoke evenly.

"Consider yourself lucky, I have more use for you alive."

He glared hard at her, before lunging. Izanami let him tackle and mount her, anger overtaking his face while she remained stoic. It was quiet, Mic's panting the only sound. Finally, Izanami spoke.

"Let's make you a deal. For your cooperation, I'll make sure Eraserhead makes it out, alive. And in one piece."

Mic froze, a trace of fear flickering behind the anger. Finally, he nodded slowly. Standing and looking away in shame and defeat. His fists clenched and shaking by his side. Izanami stood, patting his cheek.

"Good boy. Now, sit tight."

With that said, she disappeared. The tiny concrete room falling silent, with the only the sound of blood rushing through his ears. 

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