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Izanami appeared in a quiet part of the forest. Dropping to her knees and panting evenly. The stab wound burned and throbbed, but ebbed away as she patched it up. Her fingertips went numb for a minute, and her vision darkened. (Not like blacking out, but like the colors turning to gray)

She was using her quirk too much. This normally wouldn't have been a problem, and wouldn't even make her sweat. But Shigaraki had her torturing people all week.

'Fucking brat.' She cursed. Standing up, carefully, after catching her breath. Scowling behind her mask. 'Why now? Why did I see her face?'

Izanami shook it off, storming off into the forest to either find a victim, or a villain. Just her luck when she came across a clearing. Seeing a few villains fight the cat-people. A couple students were watching nearby.

Izanami was about to leave. Probably find Dabi, he was interesting, at least. Until she saw Mange get slammed onto the ground, and Spinner cornered by two of them. Outmatched.

Izanami rolled her eyes some, sighing before walking calmly into the clearing. A couple students spotted her, getting into defensive stances, Iidia speaking up.

"What do you want, villain!"

The one who was on top of Mange's back looked up. Spotting Izanami, and going pale. He recognized her from the USJ report. She was dangerous. Very dangerous. Leaping towards the students.

"You! Get away-!"

Izanami jumped behind the blue one, who was fighting Spinner. Grabbing her wrist and the back of her head, turning and forcing her to kneel on the ground. Her arm stretched straight back, in a perfect position to be broken.

"Don't move."

Izanami ordered darkly. The cat-people froze, while Spinner and Magne both recovered. Izanami spoke evenly, tightening her grip on the woman to make her whimper.

"Now, be cool. And nobody dies."

The students froze. With the pending threat of death, the situation became much more of a reality. The man sped behind her, yowling and reaching out to claw at her. Izanami ducked under his attack, letting go of her hair and grabbing his wrist.

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she manipulated both souls at once. Disabling their quirks and making the nerves in their bodies burst.

Izanami let go of them, stalking the injured cat. The two screaming in pain and curling up as if it would alleviate it. Snarling as she stood between the students and the villains.

"That was fucking stupid. I'll say this again. Be cool-"

Izanami bracing herself as Iidia kicked her torso. She grabbed his ankle, and manipulated her strength so she could lift him up by his leg. Now holding him upside down, like she was showing off a fucking fish. Izanami rolled her eyes.

"You're a whole lot stupider than the rest of your class. Aren't you?"

She paused, looking down at him. Arching an eyebrow behind her mask.

"What's your name kid?"

Tenya grit his teeth, scowling and Izanami rolled her eyes, again.

"Oh come on. It's a simple fucking question."

He was starting to turn red from being upside down too long. Izanami turned her gaze to his calves.

"Ooohh, I see~"

She lowered him a little, and Tenya put his forearms out. To keep his face upright and out of the dirt. Izanami kept her grip on his ankle, keeping his legs above him.

"You're an Iida, aren't you?"

He goes rigid, and she hums. Glancing at the class who was figuring out what they could do to get her away from him. She'd have to be quick, especially with the effects around the corner.

"You must be...Tenya. Correct? Your brother is really somethin', don't you think?"

He grit his teeth, kicking out at her. Izanami let him strike her vest, before snorting.

"You're dumber than he is."

Without a second to let him process it, Izanami gripped onto his soul. Pinching just a bit of it. So that the engines in his calves shifted and groaned threateningly. Tenya scrunched his eyes in pain, letting his head fall with a pained whimper. Izanami looked back over the students, her eyes dark behind her mask. The skull evident in the burning forest.

"Now. If you answer my questions, I'll let him go. If not...well, you don't want to know."


Izanami walked calmly through the forest. She didn't hurt him too badly. Just gave him some pain to make them talk. He'd be fine...probably. Once Izanami was in the thicket, she jumped further. Appearing in the bushes, facing Dabi and Mr Compress. Both tensed at her appearance as she silently walked out, and Izanami noticed the two marbles in Mr Compress's hand.

"You got him?"

Izanami asked, startling the other students. Midoryia taking a step back. He held his hand out to Todoroki, who was going to send a wave of ice at her.

"Wait! I saw her at the USJ."

The other two students became wary of her. That means she escaped the heroes. Unscathed, apparently. Izanami glanced at them, before turning her head towards them.

"Oh hey, I remember you. Broccoli hair. Good kid."

Izanami mused, shrugging before turning back to the two villains.

"We should split, where's Muscular?"

It was quiet, and Izanami turned to Midoryia.

"Well? Where is that bastard? You fought him last."

Izuku flinched.

"H-He's, under some rubble. By the mountain."

Izanami laughed as Kurogiri's portal appeared behind them.

"Good. I'm proud of you kid. He was a bully. Didn't like him. Now be a good kid and try not to get killed. I look forward to seeing you get stronger."

Izanami waved over her shoulder, passing through the portal as Todoroki sent a wave of ice at them. Dabi melted it as Deku launched himself forward. Getting one of the marbles. Which revealed itself to be Tokoyami.

Bakugou was pulled back into the portal, into the bar that served as their base. Izanami put a hand on his shoulder, blocking his quirk immediately. She's seen his power. Better safe than sorry, right? He thrashed in Mr Compress's grip. Dabi swiftly moved to assist.


He howled, Izanami rolling her eyes and moving to the stairs. Shigaraki - who was watching this from the couch - stood up.

"Where are you going? Paralyze him or something-!"

Izanami turned, cutting him off with an icy glare.

"You wanted a puppy. You take care of it. It's not my damn job to help with your little side projects."

She snapped, making the other villains stifle a laugh as she continued. Walking towards Shigaraki threateningly.

"My job is to make sure you don't fuck anything up. And when you do, fix it."

Izanami cornered him, slamming her hands on the wall. Trapping him as rage burned in her eyes.

"I'm not one of your little fucking underlings. I'm your superior. I'm the boss in the grand scheme of things. And if you don't get that through your thick skull to your tiny rat brain, I'm sure there are lots of people who'd love to replace you."

It goes silent. Izanami shoving off of the wall and storming up the stairs. Slamming her door hard enough that it practically shook the bar.

"Well. What do we do with him?"

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