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It was maybe four hours after Mic was dropped in the room before Izanami reappeared. He was sitting on the cot when she appeared, reading one of the books that was left there. Mic stood quickly at her presence, and she gave him a glance.

Moving to the table and setting down the two things in her arms. A brown paper bag, and a black backpack. The bag on the table, and the backpack on the chair. Izanami turned, staring hard at Mic before speaking.

"Come here."

She turned back to the paper bag. Rifling through it for a moment as Mic carefully approached her. Izanami took something out of the bag, making him flinch. Before she set it down, and he realized it was a beno box. Two water bottles followed, a napkin, and a pair of disposable chopsticks. She took out another box, and utensils.

Izanami looked up at Mic, who was looking her over warily. She nodded to the backpack.

"There's a change of clothes in there. Some sweatpants and a pair of jeans. Couple shirts, underwear, some socks."

Izanami folded the paper bag as Mic opened the backpack slowly. Peeking in. True to her word, it was clothes. Izanami paused, looking up at Present Mic. He flinched when he saw her head turn, and she spoke evenly.

"I'll be back in three minutes so you can change. Do you want a soda or something? Some beer?"

Mic stared at her in shock, before numbly shaking his head. Izanami gave a curt nod, disappearing.

Present Mic took out the sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a pair of socks. Changing quickly, before folding his hero costume and putting it on the cot.

Mic paused for a moment, looking at the floor. It was clean. Like it was mopped almost regularly. Now that he thought about it. Everything thing here was clean and well-taken care of. Either this was a temporary space before she threw him into some dirty cell to torture him, or this was where he would die.

Izanami reappeared, facing away from him. A hand covering the eyes of her mask.

"Are you decent? I can come back in a couple minutes if you're not."

Not like he could respond, she turned around slowly before removing her hand. Going back to normal once she saw him looking at her suspiciously.

Izanami ignored it, and walked back to the table. Sitting in the open chair, and separating the food. One bento box on each side of the table, a pair of chopsticks, and a napkin and water bottle each. She stopped, gesturing to the opposite chair.

"Sit down. Micheal."

Mic flinched at his full name, slinking to the chair and moving the backpack to the ground. She opened her box, breaking the chopsticks before pausing. Reaching up carefully and unclasping the mask. Mic stared hard at her, wanting to memorize her face so he could tell the others if he got out.

She slid off the black mask, and set it on the table. Mic blinked once. A fabric mask covering her entire face was underneath. (Behind this mask.....it another mask! Pretty neat huh?)

She lifted the bottom part, setting it on her nose, and started eating. Izanami completely stopped after a couple bites, making Mic flinch. She looked up, staring at him blankly from behind her second mask. Her voice cutting through the silence. Clear, now without the voice modifier.

"Well. Aren't you going to eat?"

Mic glanced down at the bento box, carefully opening it. Rice, some cooked vegetables, and some chicken. He glanced up at her as she continued eating. He carefully broke the chopsticks. Taking note of how her ears twitched at the sound.

Mic slowly started eating. Suspecting a trick at first, before his hunger overtook his wariness. It was gone just as Izanami finished her's. The water quickly followed, and Mic panted some. Having drank it so fast.

Izanami stood. Mic froze, and she simple picked up the bento box. Stacking them, taking the chopsticks, and his empty water bottle. Setting her unopened one closer to him.

"Here. I'll be right back."

She disappeared, and reappeared maybe twenty seconds later. She stood against the wall, quietly watching Mic open and drink the water. Pulling her masks back over her face. After a minute, Izanami spoke.

"If you promise to behave, I'll restore your voice."

Mic watched her mask. It's dull shine in the white lights. She had yet to trick him. What would she have to gain from it at this moment?

Mic carefully moved closer, and hesitantly bared his neck to her.

'So he thinks I need to hold his neck to do it. Interesting.' Izanami thought, before bringing her hand up. Enjoying the way Mic tensed at her movements. The way his Adam's apple bobbed when she placed her hand at the base of his neck.

A cool feeling fluttered in his chest, like a piece of him was returned. And in a way, it was. Though he couldn't use his quirk, his voice itself had been returned to him. Mic put his hand to his throat the moment Izanami's hand left it.

"W-What, do you want?"

His voice was a bit shaky and horse. Izanami grabbed the back of her chair, pulling it to her and sat down backwards.

"In good time, Micheal... You should drink more water. Your body may get a little dehydrated, trying to re-accommodate what it lost."

Izanami sat back down, and watched him closely.

"Now. Do you have any questions for me?"

Mic frowned some, carefully sitting down. 'Maybe there was some truth serum in the food? Or maybe the water...' Why else would a villain be this accommodating?

Mic shivered slightly. Feeling Izanami's cold gaze from behind her mask. Swallowing.

"What do you plan to do, to me?"

The blonde asked cautiously. Izanami smirking behind her mask.

"I just need information. If you cooperate - which you should, because of our deal - then I'll let you run back to the heroes. Safely."

"And your boss will allow that?"

Mic asked. Probing for information of his own. Izanami chuckled darkly, sending shivers up his spine.

"He'll allow whatever the fuck I want. I'm too valuable for him to throw a hissy-fit every time I do something he doesn't like." Izanami tilted her head some, "And since you're trying to get information out of me as well, I'll tell you this. Our 'leader', is named Tomura Shigaraki." 


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