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Izanami didn't take too much part in trying to recruit Bakugou. But Shigaraki wouldn't stop pestering her until she finally snapped. She'd try once, and that would be it. She had shit to do, and torturing a kid was NOT on the list. She decided to go with threats and blackmail. Contacting one of her 'friends' for some dirt.

Deciding to go in full-psycho, Izanami slammed her hands against the wall, which cracked under her palms. Her eyes were dark and cold. Visible, since she was wearing only a half mask.

"Look here brat. I have a policy against hurting kids, but I have no problem dragging both your parents here and torturing them in front of you until you join. And if you cooperate like a good fucking toy, then maybe I'd let them keep their sanity."

Bakugou's eyes widened as she took out a couple pictures from her pocket. Holding them up for him to see. Invasive pictures of both his parents, and his house.

"You saw what can happen if I use my quirk. Tell me, do you really want to be the reason why your parents end up like that poor son of a bitch? Dead, and disfigured?"

Izanami paused, standing up and grabbing her mask. Slipping it on as a knock came from the door. The other villains glanced at each other. Cautiously.

"Anyone order a pizza?"

Izanami asked sarcastically. Just as Kurogiri collapsed behind the bar.


The door caved underneath AllMight's foot, and the heroes stormed in. Kami Woods used his quirk to wrap around every occupant in the room. Gran Torino kicked Dabi in the head when he tried to use his fire quirk. Everyone else was essentially useless at the moment.

Shigaraki shook, in anger and some panic. Turning to the others.

"Do something!"

He hissed, before Izanami spoke up.

"Oh shut up brat."

Growling when she moved her hand to flip him off under the restraint. Shigaraki's ears burned red. Humiliated by her lack of obedience in front of some quite important heroes.

"Just get us out of here!"

Izanami rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"We'll talk about my payment later."

She coldly, before Kami Woods buckled. Falling to his knees as bones shifted around in his body, his hearing going and vision ebbing as he screamed. The part of his soul that had his quirk, Izanami pinched. The wood released all the villains as Izanami disabled his quirk.

Izanami quickly lunged for AllMight as the others took action. Grinning as Old Man Torino appeared in front of her. She grabbed onto him with one hand, thrusting out her other one to reach for the number one hero. Gran Torino's legs snapped themselves in half, his back arching and cracking some before she let go of him.

Her other hand is now touching AllMight. Immediately, she concentrated hard. And in a split second. The surprised look on his face disappeared. In fact. It seemed like HE disappeared. So no one noticed the yellow, blue, and red pocket knife she slipped into her pocket.

A black substance erupted from her mouth. Then Toga's, then Spinner's, and Bakugou's. Until the League of Villains and their hostage were transported to an entirely new location. The heroes and cops standing in shock and fear. Especially towards the undocumented man. Who had made the strongest hero vanish, with a single touch.

~~~~~~Sorry I haven't updated recently, I just moved and got another job so shit's been busy. Lmk if y'all want a filler chapter cause I'm running out of ideas :,) ~~~~~~

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