How the slasher met their s/o Pt.1

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Michael Myers RZ

You were late for work for the third time this week, hurrying down the stairs you grabbed your coat and headed out the door to your car. Your thoughts were jumbled but the one thing that left a bitter taste in your mouth was the thought of being chastised by Dr. Samuel Loomis for being late again, but those thoughts quickly faded as you opened the door to your car and started the engine.

As you drove to work you couldn't help but notice the piles of orange and yellow leaves strewed along the grassy country side. You wondered if this Halloween you would be by yourself watching horror movies and handing out candy. Or maybe you could just spend the remainder of the holiday at the sanitarium, at least you wouldn't be alone there. The blank hallways of the sanitarium always had a cold and uncomfortable presence, it felt as though the white walls and fluorescent lights went on for miles only changing direction every now and then, leading you to another hallway.

When you stopped your car in the Parking Lot the sign saying "Smith's Grove Sanitarium" made you groan as the thought of dealing with Loomis flooded your head once again, but that faded as you entered the building to hearing screaming and shouting coming from one of the hallways. You walked down the hallway to see what was happening and there you saw guards attempting restraining Michael Myers. This didn't happen often at least when you were here, though every time this happened it was always for a stupid reason. Even if he was The Shape of Haddonfield, the boogieman or whatever he was called he is still human and that might have been the reason you empathized for him.

Whenever Michael spotted you walking along the hallways he was always intrigued by you. He didn't understand why he was interested in you, he didn't have the urge to kill you so why was this happening? Though after a while watching you cross the hallway became a routine, every day at 4pm you went through the hallway that passed his cell. He enjoyed watching you and only you.

Michael didn't feel many emotions but he hated when the other staff and guards would talk to you, especially if they got too close and when this happened his stoic composure faltered and he would have short outbursts of rage. This resulted in many guards being injured or killed in the process of him regaining his composure. He tried to not be annoyed when the other staff would talk to you but he just couldn't, you were his and he was going to make that clear.

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