Slashers & Misc. Reaction to Their S/o Slapping Their Ass

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( I feel like I've written this before...but I don't think so)

Michael Myers

As soon as your hand lands on his ass, everything goes silent, the only thing you can hear is the sound of your slap reverberating in the room.

If he does decide to get you back for what you did, your ass will be purple afterward(He's not sorry btw).

Danny Johnson/Jed Olson


Bites his lip afterwards and winks at you

Stu Macher

Turns it into a game by sneaking up on you the next day and slapping your ass

Runs away laughing.

Bo Sinclair

Suffers from flat-ass syndrome.

You think you almost hit his spine because of how flat it was.

Spends the rest of the day telling you that he does have a butt.

Carlos Oliveira

Is a lil too into it.

Just like Danny he winks at you.

Begins slapping your ass more often(Totally doesn't turn into him just groping your butt for several minutes)

Karl Heisenberg

Yelps before laughing, *Que Seth Rogen laugh*.

Chases you around with a metal paddle for the rest of the afternoon

Pyramid Head

Buns of steel.

You end up hurting your hand because of how solid his ass is.

Hannibal Lecter

Judges you.

Asks why you can't just slap your own butt if you like it so much

Leon Kennedy

Gets caught off guard and lets out a half moan-scream.

Gets embarrassed and avoids everyone for the rest of the day.

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