The Slashers with a Goth Himbo S/O

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Billy Loomis


Before you were dating he made fun of the way you dressed and then ended up not being able to think about anything else besides you.

Tries to hide his crush from you but blushes whenever you say anything to him.

Stu keeps telling him to just embrace the feeling and confess.


Isn't sure what "subculture" you're a part of and is too scared to ask so he just calls it "you're style".

Stares at everyone aggressively whenever they stare at you.

Will 100% let you do his makeup from time to time and he'll be so proud of it too.

Doesn't care if you have makeup on, he'll kiss you either way.(Will apologize if he smears it)

Hannibal Lecter


Saw you in a clothing store and was immediately interested in you.

Asks you about your fashion style and ends up recommending you a bunch of brands and accessories that would match your style."

Coincidentally" bumps into you again at a café and offers to buy you a coffee, while pulling out a chair for you to sit on.


When you two go on dates together he matches his suit to yours.

Get's vinyl's of your favorite artists and puts them on whenever you have a bad day.

Has a collection of old horror movies and gives some of them to you as a gift and watches them with you.(Even if they are a little cliché)

Danny Johnson


Started off by hating you because he liked your makeup and outfit, which made him jealous of your fashion.

Somehow, his hatred turned into love because he ended up having a crush on you.

Stole your makeup once when you weren't home.


Buys you a bunch of leather and latex pants because it's fashionable, right? Wrong, he just likes the way it looks on you.

Does photoshoots with you constantly.

Buys you everything and anything you've ever wanted. Yes, he bought you a Lebanon Hanover shirt. Oh, you never told him you liked them? Don't question it.

Michael Myers(RZ)


Was gonna kill but then he saw the band posters you had and was immediately brought back to his childhood.

Ends up not killing you and instead stalks you for a few months before confronting you.

Gives you a dead rose as a gift because he assumed you liked that.


Admires you from across the room.

If you've been together for a while he will touch the things you're wearing, whether it be makeup, clothes, accessories, hair, to tell you he likes them.

Enjoys watching you get ready in the morning.

Amanda Young


Shyly compliments you, saying how she loves your clothes.

Her face goes bright red when you compliment her back.

Later she works up the courage to give you her number.


Thinks you're so cool and brave for wearing whatever you want.

Listens to your music with you and ends up adding most of it to her playlist.

Steals your accessories so that she can wear them.

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