Micheal Myers (OG) meeting someone who's like the direct opposite of him.

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Doesn't understand how you exist, but that makes him even more curious about your personality, you couldn't be all sunshine's and rainbows, right?

Michael stalked you as you walked home, watching your figure move to the door, grabbing your keys. A smile on your face, as you looked back on the events of today. He wondered how you'd react to him, unlike his other victims, you were hopeful and bright with happiness. Even in the past months he had stalked you, he had never seen you scream or get mad when things didn't go your way. Pulling himself back out of his thoughts, the sound of your keys clicking in the lock.

You walked into your house letting out a relaxed sigh. You put your stuff down and walked into the kitchen going to make yourself a warm drink. You boiled the water, starting to drift off in thought as you waited for the water to be done, wondering about what movie you should watch. The water had finished boiling by now so you poured the water into your cup and added whatever you felt like would taste good.

Staring out of your kitchen window, sipping your drink, you noticed a person out there. Worry filled your body as you remembered how cold it was out there. You quickly set your cup down and went out there offering him to come inside or to at least take a jacket. Michael agreed taking the chance to know more about you.

Pulling him inside you rubbed your hands together commenting on how cold it was before offering him to take a seat on your couch. He obliged moving to sit down, following him to the couch you wrap a blanket around him. "Are you alright, you feel freezing.", your hand touching his, "I'll go make you something warm, just stay here.", you stood up going back into the kitchen.

Leaving him to his thoughts, he thought about how you brought a stranger into your house, kept them warm and then proceeded to leave them unattended. How could you be that careless, yet so caring?

Minutes later you entered the room, shuffling your feet as you focused on not spilling the liquid in the cup. "I hope you like black coffee, I don't have any milk at the moment.", he didn't respond, not wanting to make him feel anymore uncomfortable than you assumed he was you go up, telling him that it was late and that you'd be heading to bed, saying that it would only get colder as the night goes on and that he can stay here for the night.

excusing yourself you went upstairs to your bedroom, getting ready for bed and eventually falling asleep. The next morning you woke up the same time you always did and rushed downstairs, curious to see of the man was still there. Though what replaced him was a folded blanket on the couch and an empty coffee cup on the table.

You silently thanked the mystery man in your head for getting the chance to meet him, going about the rest of your day as usual.

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