How the slashers would react to the reader giving them a love letter/note

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Michael Myers

His face may or may not get a lil pink depending on how well you know each other.

Needs some time alone to process.

You don't see him for the rest of the day but when you're sleeping, he gently climbs into bed with you and cuddles with you.

Doesn't let go in the morning.

Clings to you for the rest of the day.

Hannibal Lecter

Thinks it's super cute.

Frames it in his office next to all of his degrees.

Tells Bedelia all about it and asks her what he should give you in return.

Ends up doing absolutely everything he can to spoil you for the next few weeks.

Frees up his schedule for you<3

Billy Loomis

Plays it off and tries to act like it didn't make him love you even more than he already does.

Feels bad when you think he doesn't like it.

Tries to make it up to you by giving you hugs and kisses and watching your favorite movies with you.

He might even offer to cook but if he does, be careful because he may burn the house down.

Stu Macher


Hides from you the whole day because he wants to make a card for you too.

There's way. too. much. glitter

Likes he genuinely pours a whole bottle of glitter into the card and then puts it into an envelope.

Danny Johnson

(I feel like he'd be the type of person to announce random things in a news reporter's voice.)

He'd announce that you'd given him a letter as loud as possible, even if you're in public.

Brings you a bunch of letter-making supplies.

Your letters feed his ego and he absolutely loves it. 

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