Hannibal Lecter with a Sweet and Motherly s/o

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The way Hannibal met you was through Abigail, he was on his way to visit her when he saw you sitting by the edge of her bed talking to her. Since Abigail didn't like talking to people unless it was so that she could manipulate them this was 'strange'. He had never seen you here before so maybe you were new? Abigail had never mentioned you before, but she didn't really talk in general.

Either way, you were still Abigail's friend and it would be rude for him to not introduce himself. So he walked over introduced himself and shook your hand. You were kind and polite. After introducing yourself you quietly excused yourself and left the room, waving goodbye at Abigail as you left.

Hannibal had his conversation with Abigail like normal but the whole time he was thinking about you, he wanted to know more about you. His curiosity got the best of him and so he asked Abigail about you and your interests. His questions brought a light smile to Abigail's face. Hannibal had a crush on y/n?

When Hannibal would go to visit Abigail he would look around for you, hoping to have a conversation with you.


A couple weeks later you were on your way out of the hospital as you had finished talking to Abigail. When you heard someone call your name "Hello y/n." As you turned around you realized it was Hannibal he was dressed in a well-fitted suit that was a dark shade of grey. You wondered if he wore outfits like this all the time. Quickly jumping out of thought you responded "Hello Hannibal, how are you?" He responded in almost an instant, as though he expected this question.

"I'm good, but I was wondering if you'd like to come over for lunch?"

"Oh yeah, sure just let me drop my bag off first."

Hannibal nodded in agreement and offered to help you with your bags


2 Months Later

You had been going on what Abigail liked to call "dates" with Hannibal you would go get coffee and check out bookstores, sometimes he would take you to see the opera or to go to beautiful banquets he was invited to. It seemed as though every time you were busy or had nothing to do he was free.

Today he invited you over to his house because he had some artisan wines he wanted to try with you. Of course, you agreed since you had finished all your work for the day.


You knocked on the door to the house you believed to be was Hannibals. About a minute goes by and then Hannibal opens the door apologizing for the wait.

He then invited you inside and offered to take your coat. You agreed and sat down on his couch where you noticed a movie playing on the tv.

A couple hours go by

As the movie finished Hannibal turned to you, saying something about the movie that you filtered out. He then said your name dragging your attention back to him.

At this point, the night was a blur but you remembered kissing him. Or were you making out? You weren't sure but it made you feel flustered as it happened. Hannibal pulled away and emptied his feelings of how he felt about you and although you didn't want to admit it you felt the same.

"So are we a thing now?" You seriously weren't sure you hoped he would say yes. "Yes" Was all you heard and that's all you needed to hear.


A few months had passed since then and everything went back to normal you went on your "dates" with Hannibal just now they weren't as awkward.

You wondered if your motherly-ness would push him away. You wondered if your sweet personality made him uncomfortable, since he was serious and smart what would you do?

This lived in your head and you didn't want it to you knew he loved you and you loved him, right?

This thought was interrupted as you received a call from Abigail. She was talking a million miles an hour. You only heard a few words "Adopted", "Hannibal", and "Family". You asked her to slow down and so she slowly said "Hannibal adopted me."

You were overjoyed you loved Abigail and Hannibal, maybe all of you could be a family? 

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