Baking with the Slashers

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Michael Myers

Eats everything and doesn't care if it isn't finished baking or is burning hot.

Doesn't help and instead watches from afar, occasionally comes over so he can lick the spoon or bowl.

Will refuse to help cleanup.

Is a hoe for brownies

Poly Ghostface

Stu gets so hype before hand that he buys way too much stuff and spends $500 because he wants it to be perfect.

Billy is reluctant at first, but agrees to help as long as the cake is slasher themed.

The kitchen almost burns down because Billy offered for you three to watch a movie while the cake baked.

When the cake is done Billy shoves Stu's face into the cake.

Hannibal Lecter

Knows how to do everything.

Makes multiple cakes, all ranging in flavors and textures.

Tells you every single thing he does and explains why he would add certain ingredients.

Is the best baker out of all the slashers.

Bo Sinclair

Makes a huge mess and spills all the ingredients everywhere.

Accidentally puts salt in instead of sugar and almost gives Vincent sodium poisoning.

Curses the whole time.

Is most likely drunk while making the cake.

Pours beer into the cake

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