Abandoned with a new family

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Izuku and Izumi are siblings who were inseparable as both children wanted to be Heroes but one of them had their dreams crushed.

Izuku's POV

"Bad news, Your son is quirkless" The doctor said to my mother as i dropped my all might figurine "But good news, your daughter has a quirk, it's a strong telekinetic one that if trained she could lift a skyscraper" My mother complimented my sister and didn't even comfort me. As we leave they almost forgot me and even when I'm in my home, my father ignored me. It even got worse in school, I was bullied, Beaten, Thrown and other horrible things and my bullies were the ones I could trust my sister and my... Her friends. They would even lie that i bullied them which my parents bought by somehow the only person I could trust now was Touya; Shoto and Shoka's older brother but he disappeared recently so I was alone. One day "Izuku! I heard you hurt your sister!" "I didn't dad... I didn't" I tried to make him listen only for me to get slapped by him "No food for a week!" My mother said to me "You never gave me food anyway..." "Huh?" My mother said raising her tone "You guys are the worse parents!" I said running away. I only kept running, running, running... I got lost in the city. I went to a alleyway to sit and rest for a moment, I feel my eyes closing, I was tired, Couldn't move and I think I was about to die until I heard a familiar voice "Izuku?"

3rd Person's POV

Izuku looked to his side to see Touya with a paper bag of fruits "Izuku! What are you doing here?" He rushed and asked Izuku "I-I ran away..." Izuku said as he fell asleep. Izuku was awoken after a couple of hours "Where am i?" Izuku asked as he sits up "My home" a sliver haired girl said to Izuku. Izuku looked to his side to see the girl very close to him causing him to fall down "Sorry about that" The girl said. Touya walked inside the room to see Izuku laying down on the ground "Reiko you scared him" Touya said as he puts some food and water next to Izuku "Thanks... But what are you doing here Touya?" "I needed to run away from my father who was abusing me... I found this place and the people living here accepted me as one of them" Touya said as he checks on Izuku "Reiko their is my foster-sister and I change my name to Dabi now" Dabi continued "I've been helping Reiko's family by doing chores and weirdly enough they thought I was just another kid of Reiko's parents because of my hair color" Dabi pointed out and also points at Izuku "You could also be with us" Dabi said as he points at Izuku's hair which was white "Will it be ok?" Izuku said as 2 adult bust in the room one woman and one man "It'll be more than ok!" Said the woman "We would love to have another kid with us!" Said the man "Mom, Dad your making another ruckus again" Dabi said "Sorry..." The married couple said together before introducing themselves "Hi, I'm Dabi's foster mother and Reiko's biological mother, Claire Yanagi nice to meet you" (Btw I don't know the real names of Reiko's parents I hope it's ok to you) "I'm Johnathan Yanagi Foster-Father of Dabi and biological father of Reiko, Nice to meet you" Izuku than introduce to himself "I'm Izuku Yagi... My father is Toshinori Yagi and my mother is Inko Yagi" Izuku said "Well ain't you a little cutie! With your freckles and such big eyes" Claire said as he was toying with the young Izuku
"Let's get you adopted shall we?" Claire said. While she was playing with Izuku Johnathan was calling someone "Hey... Sho... i found another kid... All Might's... No don't, we'll be adopting him... Kid got scars all over him... If they did made a search for him can you fake his y'know... Thanks" He than hang up and went to his family "Alright kiddo let's go to the adoption center" He said.

After awhile they made it to the adoption center and filled out all contracts needed to adopt Izuku "Well kid you're now a Yanagi" The man said. We left the building and was about to go home "Who wants some ice cream!" Claire said for Dabi and Reiko to raise their hands the only one not was Izuku "Don't you want any Izuku?" Johnathan asked him "No thank you it's okay..." Izuku said "Hey it's ok... I'll get you anything you want, are you sure you don't want ice cream?" he asked once again "... I do" Izuku said "Then ice cream we will get" Claire said putting her first in the air. Reiko picked vanilla while Dabi picked cookies and Cream "What do you want Izuku?" Johnathan asked "Umm... I don't know" Izuku said "Here" Johnathan said as he lifted Izuku on his shoulder to make him see menu "Pick anything you see that looks or sound tasty" Izuku than looked at all the names and then said "Can I have the sundae?" "Of course anything for you bud" After a great afternoon they were going back home "Hey Izuku what's your dream?" This cause Izuku to be scared but still answered it "I want to be a hero who saves people with a smile on my face even though I'm quirkless" Izuku whispered the last part but the couple still heard it "Hey Izu I still believe you can be a hero without or with a quirk" Izuku was shocked by what Claire said but smiled "Your father here is actually a hero too y'know" Claire added "Come on now, I was gonna tell him that" Johnathan said jokingly "I'll tell you guys later about my job" He continued while Izuku has his eyes shining.

Meanwhile, a couple hours ago when Izuku just left his old parents Izumi with her friends coming inside her home

Izumi's POV

I just got home from school and me and my friends decided to hang out at my place "Hold on guys, Let me get us some snacks for us" I said as i went to the fridge. I saw mom and dad in the kitchen. Dad was drinking coffee and mom was making cookies "Hey, Where's Izuku?" I asked "He went outside" My dad said as he sips from his coffee "When we'll he return?" I asked another question "Why do you care about that disappointment?" Dad said in a annoyed tone "Because he's your son?" I said he responded with anger in his voice "That disappointment isn't my son!" He said shocking me. I looked over at mom and said "Mom? Are you hearing him?" "He's correct, The little shit is better gone in our life, He's just a waste of space" That shocked me too. I rushed to Izuku's room and when I enter the room it shocked me. There wasn't anything in it, no chairs, no bed, nothing was in there. I immediately went to the phone to call "What's wrong Izumi?" Katsumi asked  "Izuku's gone missing!" "What about it? That one less problem" Katsuki said which made me mad "I swore to protect him. Not make him leave!" "Well you sure are dumb about doing it. Thinking that abusing him would work" Shoto said as he smile. There sister was only able to slap them both on their face while I realized what have I've done over the years. I started to call uncle shouta "What is it problem child number two?" "Izuku is missing!" I screamed at the phone "IZUKU'S WHAT?!" He screamed at me hanging up the phone

A couple hours later

It's been awhile since we started to find Izuku and now it's midnight and I'm waiting for uncle shouta from the forest "He was here" "Then we're getting close to him" I said having hope "This is what I only found" He gave me Izuku's shoes and a note that it seemed was written by Izuku it read Fuck you Izumi, Fuck you dad, Fuck you mom, Fuck your friends too Izumi I didn't want to be like this but because I did. I don't care about my life anymore so enjoy your fucking victory.
I felt hurt knowing Izuku is gone now. I feel the worst, shame, I lost someone who was important to me, My twin...

3rd Person's POV

As Izumi was feeling guilt and shame. Izuku was enjoying his new family as they all giggle and laugh about the nice things. Izuku finally found some peace, he is now ok he can finally rest and enjoy life... But all happy things must come to a end as the dark ages will come around the corners

To be continued...

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