Conqueror's Haki and Treasures

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It's been a year since the incident happened and paparazzi are outside the door of the Yanagis "Please we need to know what happened, Just your time is enough" One reporter said as a man saw the crowd "Here's some info for you annoying people... They don't live here no more" the crowd looked at the man and saw a sign that said "Free House" "Then where are they?!?!" Almost the whole crowd said "I heard they bought a house directly looking at the beach that they also bought. Who knows?" The old man said

Izuku's POV

We were walking to our new home we all decided to buy in order to get away from the paparazzi. We've also made a form to change our last name but for me I wanted to change my first name "Are you sure about you first name?" Dabi asked "What's wrong with Shirohe?" "Why do you have to change your name?" Dabi asked me once again "I don't want to get recognize by my old family" I said as I see Reiko looking at me "What?" "Who were your old family?" Reiko asked as I stop my tracks "Will you believe me?" I said gaining a nod from Reiko ""The symbol of peace" is my father and my mother is the "Green Storm" of musutafu" I saw Reiko's eyes widen when she heard about my past "Let's talk about something else... What the hell is Conqueror's Haki?" Dabi said I'm order to change the subject "Your supposed to be born with it, That's what it said only" "How do you know if you have Conqueror's Haki?" This made us think for awhile only for it to be broken the silence by Reiko "Having the power to knock someone out with your mere presence and also to tame and intimidate animals by staring at them is powerful" Which made me wonder if I could try to see if I have Conqueror's Haki. Few Hours has gone by and we just finished up to unpack most of our stuff and now we are training.

Dabi and Reiko were training while I was trying to figure out how can i know about Conqueror's Haki. I looked at the window to see my siblings being the best at what they can be "You've been doing good, Seems I would use my special form" Dabi said "Y'know I could still hit you even if you activate that" "My flames would be stronger though" He begins to start flaming up "Form; LOGI- He was cut off by Reiko punching him in the gut "I win" She said with the same expressionless face "You broke the rule! Never interrupt someone when their transforming!" "Who has ever said that?" It made me chuckle to see them argue but I had to break off the fight before it gets worse "Alright now, we don't want any war between ourselves do we?" I said as Dabi pointed at Reiko "She cheated! It's not fair!" I stopped him but took me awhile. We were now eating dinner together it was only silence between us before I broke it "This will be my last dinner with you two..." This cause them to stop eating "Why? Are you leaving us?" Dabi asked being worried about me "No goodness I will never do that... I just need some time to find out this Conqueror's Haki thing..." Reiko looked at me with worried eyes "I promise I will be back" "How long?" She asked me causing me to stop and think for a moment "I would say about a year or two" This caused Reiko to have a frown in her face "I won't break this promise" I said reassuring her. After the dinner I started to pack some items to bring with me for but Reiko and Dabi gave me something it was a white coat the sew together and putted their names on each sleeves "Don't ever forget us" "Please return in one piece" they both said. I left my home going into the deep forest no one has ever entered in a long time "I'll be back stronger" I thought to myself as I entered the forest.

Couple of weeks later

It has been 2 months in the forest and my stored food has ran out, so I tried fishing with my make shift fishing rod. I was just sitting trying to get food but then I heard a growl behind me, so I immediately jump to see a grizzly bear charging towards me. I started to charge a quake punch "No Izuku that's overkill!" I thought to myself, so I cancelled my attack and only used my Armament Haki "YOU WANT SOME! COME GET SOME!" I screamed at it as he charged into me; Hammering me into a couple of trees. I stopped the thing by digging my feet into the ground and then I punched it leaving it with a mark. After a few minutes of battling, it finally ran away not before roaring at me "I'LL TAKE YOU ON, COME ON LET'S GO!" I screamed at it as it ran away. After that I was about to fish again "I need to find a way to fish faster" And as of god gave me a sign. I cought a fish in my hands by just using Observation Haki "Fishing with Observation Haki..." Let's just say I had enough fish to even feed me for a few weeks.

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