The King's kin

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After a few hours of studying in UA Dabi and Reiko were rushing out of the building "Someone's I our property, Who could it be?" "I don't know but it seems like Shirohe can't deal with this guy" The two finally got out of the building but someone noticed Dabi's appearance "Big brother Touya?" Dabi turned around and only stared and start running away "Sorry, I'm not your brother anymore" Dabi said as he follows reiko "Wait, No! Big Brother!" Shoka tried to catch up to him but tripped "Shoka-san! What's wrong?" Izumi rushed to Shoka "My brother he's alive!" She said grabbing onto Izumi's shirt collar.

The two were still running to get to Izuku as fast as he can "He's not responding" Reiko said as she tried to call Izuku. When they finally reached their home, They saw Izuku being taken by a huge man onto a ship "HEY YOU BASTARD!" Dabi screamed as he created a fire ball with his quirk and threw it but it was useless as the man just smacks it "Nuts and Bolts, Really?" The man said as he dodges the said items thrown at him "Is this your best?" The man said making the two more provoked.

Dabi and Reiko went on to activate their Haki "Your basic armament Haki wouldn't do anything" The man said shocking the two "What do you mean 'basic' Armament?" Reiko asked "I'll explain if you come with us" Katakuri said while pointing at the boat "Who are you?" "He's a pirate" Izuku immediately answered as he sat down on the ship "And your trusting him?" "He knows what Haki is, His fought a master at all types of Haki and that was his rival, He can quite literally see the future... For a few seconds" The two looked at the man.

One of them decided to question the man "What's your name and what do you want from us?" "Katakuri, Charlotte Katakuri and I want the three of you to join my crew" "We don't want any connections with a criminal" The two said charging a attack again "Left hook, Right hook, 4 Jabs and a Fire Blast" He said before dodging the attacks he just said and deflecting the Fire Blast "How in the hell?" "Haki, Future Sight Haki" The two were in shock and just dropped the attempts "I get it, You guys want to be heroes and don't want any known connection to a criminal" Katakuri said while he fixed his leather jacket.

"I have siblings who are heroes and each three of them have a hero agency in this country" He said reassuring them to not attack "I'll make sure you get into one of their agency" The two had a little whisper conversation before asking "What are their hero names?" "My 76th Sibling, Pudding Charlotte. Hero name; Sweet Memories, Then-" "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! 76th?!?! HOW MAN ARE YOU IN THE FAMILY?!?!?" "85, Why?" The trio's Jaw dropped "I KNEW YOU HAD A BIG FAMILY BUT I DIDN'T KNEW IT WAS THAT BIG!" "Yeah... Our mother was kind of a Whore" Katakuri said rubbing the back of his neck.

Izuku then asked "Wait, Then how old are you?" "I'm already in my late 80's" "THEN WHY THE HELL DO YOU STILL LOOK LIKE THE SAME AFTER FOUR DECADES?!?!" Izuku screamed showing the book of each pirates and their looks but Katakuri just shrugged it "Do you want me to continue on about my other siblings or what?" "Ah, Continue please" Dabi said kind of scared at the 20'3 ft man "My 7th Sibling, Amande Charlotte. Hero name; Demon Lady" "Sounds like villain name more than a hero name" Dabi whispered "I heard that" That 4 words was enough to send shivers down his spine.

He made sure to not insult the people this man was talking about "Now lastly, Flampe Charlotte. Hero name; Gum-Shot... Though I'm certain she hates me for the past and I'm sure she wouldn't even talk to me" He said the last part a little ashamed of himself "Sibling past problem huh?" He only nods and just hop on the boat "So will you come with us?" The two looked at each other and nodded "But where are we going anyways?" "Meeting a friend" He only said while he sets the sail.

The trio was looking around the ship "Where do you sleep?" "I don't sleep on this boat, I have a house in every country known on this side of the world" "You keep saying 'This side of the world' As if there's another side with weirder countries" Katakuri only looked at them and smiled "Because there are" The trio looked at each other confused "Before, There was a natural wall that was keeping the world split" "A natural wall?" "It was called the Grand Line, It was keeping the other country split from each other" The trio was amazed by the sound of that "You said before? What happened to it?" Izuku asked raising his hand "One man decided, He couldn't breathe well because of those walls, So what did he do?" Katakuri leaned down on them from his seat.

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