Mugen Train

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Hey Heyyy Heyyyy! 

Sad Announcement! 

I have physical school starting back from today, so I may not be able to past very often anymore!

I will be posting on weekends though! Maybe weekdays but I doubt.

Sorry for the late update! 

So I present you with...another chapter!



The next day, you woke up, to yourself, in your bed. 

Y/n: That's strange...I could've sworn I was with Shinobu-Chan yesterday when I fell asleep~

As you got out of bed and got ready for the day, you walked into the medical rooms.

Y/n: Good Morning Everyone!~ Rise and shine like the sun you are!~

The boys immediately sprung up. They all yawned before greeting you a good morning. 

Y/n: Now~ Its time to get yourselves back into shape~ Lets go to the training room!~

They all nodded. 

Y/n: I'll be right there~ Get going please~

You said as they left.

You then made their beds us. As you were finished making the beds, you heard someone call your name.

Rengoku: Y/n-Chan! 

You turned around and saw Rengoku.

 Y/n: Hello Rengoku-San!~ 

Rengoku: Are you doing better Y/n? How's your wound?

Y/n: My wound is quite alright~ Shinobu did a great job!~ 

Rengoku: Shinobu-Chan and Kanao-Chan were really worried!

Y/n: I saw that~

Y/n: Well, I'm going with Kamado and the others to help them train, wanna come?~

Rengoku: I'd love to!

You gave a smile. As you both came to the training room, you saw Shinobu as well as Kanao and the triplets.

Y/n: Good Morning~

As soon as Kanao saw you, she ran to you and gave you a hug.

Y/n: Hello Kanao, sorry if I made you worry...

She gave a smile in response, which told you that she was okay.

Shinobu: Okay! Now~  Y/n and Rengoku, can you both demonstrate the reflex category?

You both nodded. 

As you both sat down and Aoi said begin, Rengoku quickly beat you in reflexes and was about to splash medicated water on you.

Rengoku(mind): This water doesn't smell very good...I won't splash it on Y/n...

Instead of splashing the medicated water in your face, he simply placed the cup on your head.

Instead of splashing the medicated water in your face, he simply placed the cup on your head

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