Sanemi Shinazugawa

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(No intro today, just get straight into the well deserved chapter<3)


A new day, another mission. Only this time, you were paired up with Sanemi. As you both packed up and set out on your new mission, your head was filled with countless thoughts of what happened last night. 


Truth or dare, was being held at your mansion. It was now Mitsuri's turn to spin the bottle and give whoever it lands on a truth or dare. 

As the bottle spun and soon came to a halt, it landed on Kina. Mitsuri squealed in delight. 

Mitsuri: Alright Kina-San! Truth or Dare!? 

Kina immediately replied with 'Dare'.

Mitsuri: Confess to the person you like~ I know he's here~

Mitsuri said in a teasing tone. Kina took a breath in and out as she stood up. Who was she making her way to? Although you knew very well who it was. She walked past Giyuu, Tengen, Iguro until, she stopped in front of Rengoku. 

As they made eye contact, she looked away, then she looked down at her feet. 

Kina: Ren-Rengoku-S-san-

Mitsuri: Go ooonnnn~

Kina: I-I like you....I've liked you for quite a while don't have to like me back...but this was just my dare...and I hope we can stay friends after this, even if you reject me...

Rengoku's mouth slightly parted, before he pressed his lips into a thin line and gave a smile. What did that mean?! Yes or No? He didn't accept nor reject her! 

Kina quietly went back and sat down next to Mitsuri. Kina and Mitsuri had always been close and Mitsuri knew Kina liked Rengoku, for some time, but what she didn't know was, you did too.

Both Shinobu and Kanao, gave you glances, which was unnoticed by you. You wore a smile. Rengoku didn't return her maybe he doesn't like tried convincing yourself. But you knew Rengoku better than that. 

He was thinking about the situation, that's why he never replied. So there could  be a possibility he did like Kina...

Eventually, that horrid night came to and end and everyone went back home. 

Flashback end!

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙


It was now lunchtime. You and Sanemi had went to a small food shop. You purchased some Onigiri and Sanemi bought Ohagi. 

You then both continued walking, while munching on your lunch. Suddenly, Sanemi came to and abrupt stop. You, still lost in your thoughts, bumped into his back. 

He then turned around and faced you. 

Sanemi: Alright. What's wrong? 

You looked up and him and gave a smile. 

Y/n: What do you mean?~ I'm fine~

Sanemi: Don't give me that nonsense Y/n. I can tell something is wrong. So what is it? 

You obviously didn't wanna tell him the truth. 

Y/n: I've just been thinking about Kanae recently. 

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